Answering the Question Around Ivermectin Toxicity

Executive Summary

  • It’s always good to understand the actual side effects of all drugs.
  • Recently we received a question regarding the potential Ivermectin toxicity.


This article covers the topic if Ivermectin toxicity.

The first thing to know is that the medical establishment has provided much fear, uncertainty, and doubt about Ivermectin. On our website, we cover many blatantly false articles about Ivermectin. Another one of these areas where they have provided false information is Ivermectin toxicity.

How the Liver Removes Toxic Items from the Body

The liver is the primary organ that removes drugs from the bloodstream. The most toxic drugs are the most harmful to the liver, and the worst drugs put the most “miles” on the liver. This is why so many pharmaceutical advertisements warn against drug use for those with liver disease. Every drug must have its benefits traded versus its costs. This is how this website analyzes any drug — however, it is not how the FDA evaluates drugs. There is no cost-benefit analysis performed when evaluating a drug for approval.

In this article, I will answer the question of Ivermectin toxicity for the liver.

Ivermectin and the Liver

This is a question we received on the topic of Ivermectin and liver toxicity.

My husband started taking Ivermectin to treat metastatic melanoma. When we went to talk to a Dr. about immunotherapy we revealed that he was taking Ivermectin.

She said he needed to stop so that she would know if any side effects on his liver were caused by Ivermectin, or by the 2 immunotherapies. (She said that Ivermectin can adversely affect the liver)
Wayne had cancer detected in lymph nodes under his left arm, which had spread to his brain, liver and rib cage.

We wonder if you have heard of Ivermectin adversely affecting the liver, or interfering with immunotherapy. He had gamma knife radiation on his brain and first 2 types of immunotherapy this week. We want to continue Ivermectin if it is deemed safe!

Important Point #1: Ivermectin as a Threat to Other Drugs

We are often asked if we can recommend MDs that will work with cancer patients on Ivermectin. We do not have a list of MDs who do this, and many are restricted. I quote from a recent message I received on this exact topic.

The doctor was wonderful and confirmed my research about ivermectin as a new therapy for cancer despite the oncologists here in BC Canada saying they can not advise to that or they will be basically put on a list and be terminated.

MDs are greatly controlled in what they can recommend — and it has nothing to do with the evidence that supports Ivermectin. Ivermectin is Public Enemy number one for pharmaceutical companies due to the combination of the following factors.

  • It is generic.
  • It is a competitor and, in fact, more effective than much more expensive treatments.
  • It is extremely popular, and many people suspect or know that the medical establishment provides false information. This dramatically increases the threat to the credibility of MDs and the overall medical establishment.
  • It has a multi-decade history of safety and effectiveness, with billions of dosages taken.
  • The number of things it is useful for keeps growing — which means that it is one of the most multidimensional drugs we have.

Important Point #2: The Safety of Ivermectin