Antisemitism and its Relationship to Jewish Behavior and Concentration in Banking

Executive Summary

  • Antisemitism is often driven by Jewish control and concentration in banking.


Jews are highly involved in banking, and they have been for thousands of years. “Goldsmith” is a common Jewish name, as is “Goldstein” and similar names. One reason is that the Catholic Church outlawed charging interest or usury. This is something that the Jewish faith allows. With so many Jews in banking and predatory behavior so expected in banking, particularly private banking, it has been relatively common throughout history for Jews to be blamed for banking greed.

The Issue That Causes Continual Antisemitism

A primary reason for antisemitic sentiments is Jews take more from societies than they give back.

One of the arguments that were developed in response was to use the charge of antisemitism.

How Antisemitism is Currently Defined

Antisemitism is a virtual automatic response to any statement that is not a full-throated endorsement of Jews. For example, any statement that supports the rights of a group in the contest with Jews, the Palestinians, is usually immediately declared as antisemitic, which is curious because it is not an argument. Furthermore, it places Jews beyond criticism. Any criticism of any Jew or any Jewish institution can now be called antisemitic. However, no person or group can be logically placed beyond criticism. Usually, the attempt is made that since the person is now antisemitic, they are, therefore, a Nazi. By this logic, any critic of any individual Jew is only engaged in by Nazis for virtually any offense. Antisemitism is frequently flung at those who observe that Jews not only dominate private banking but demonstrate a strong tendency to support predatory banking practices. It is part of the Jewish religion that cheating “the goy” or non-Jew is a virtue.

Predatory Lending Practices

The support for predatory lending practices is found in that Jews typically live as minorities in non-Jewish countries. Israel is the obvious exception, but historically, Israel is a very recent country. Under the religious support for cheating the non-Jews and being surrounded by non-Jews, it is a simple matter to see the reasoning why Jews so often favor predatory lending if it can be shown that the Jewish faith supports cheating non-Jews and promotes it as virtuous and if Jews can be shown to engage in this behavior, that in following the scientific approach to point this out, there are other examples of something very similar to other religions.

For example, it is a primary teaching of Mormonism that one’s material attainment in the current life indicates one’s virtue and status in the afterlife. This is one thing that has been blamed for so many MLM schemes outside Salt Lake City. Curiously, no one has ever called this claim “antimormonism.” If a claim of antisemitism is made, then it is also correct to observe that this is not an argument for why this observation is incorrect but is ad hominem, which, like all ad homeniums, is intended to end the argument without having to provide evidence that the claim is not true. However, while Jews are very concentrated in private banking, many other groups also support usury and predatory lending. It is just that given the very small world population of Jews, which is estimated to be around 16 billion, they are extraordinarily overrepresented in private banking. The following are quotations from The Jewish Problem, published in Germany in 1949.

“When taking all this into account, the official “Statistics of the German Reich” (New Edition, Vol. 146) reveal the fact that a number of certain crimes were committed more frequently by Jews than by Christians. Taking an average valuation for the period 1892 to 1901, we obtain the following,

  • Crime, Jews Versus Christians
  • Fraud and Trickery, 14x greater
  • Usury, 13x greater
  • Copyright infringement, 11x greater
  • Fraudulent bankruptcy, 9x greater
  • Fraudulent insolvency, 6x greater
  • Receiving stolen property, 5x greater

It will be seen from this that Jews have a strong liking for commercial crime. That this fact has in no way been sufficiently explained by the large percentage of Jews in business is revealed by the investigations conducted by the Jew Ruppin. In his book, Die Juden der Gegenwart — Contemporary Jews — (Berlin 1904), with the aid of comparative statistics Ruppin arrives at considerably greater figures for commercial crime than Jewish participation in commerce would seem to indicate. The Jew Wassermann arrives at the same conclusion in his book Beruf, Konfession und Verbrechen, — Profession, Confession and Crime —, (Munich 1907). – Germany: The Jewish Problem

Antisemitism is often driven by Jewish control and concentration in banking.