How Different Was Slavery from the Feudal System?

Executive Summary Slavery is considered an abomination in European-based countries. However, at the same time, the feudal system is glamorized in popular media. How different were these systems? Introduction One can learn a lot about images of slavery, but it does not seem to be something we have done an excellent job of learning. And…

The DNC is Now Only For Non-White People

Executive Summary The DNC is primarily funded by big Wall Street money. However, their website looks like Puerto Rico! Introduction Reviewing the DNC’s website recently was interesting as it appears that the DNC sees itself primarily as the party of non-whites. Let us review the images on their website to see what the DNC is…

Did African Americans Enslave Liberian Africans?

Executive Summary African Americans that moved to Liberia moved there to get away from slavery. It is curious that these individuals imposed a slave or near slave system on the natives. Introduction Liberia provides a fascinating story of how ex-slaves behave after being freed if allowed to enslave others. It is a story of a…

Were The Portuguese the First to Bring Slavery to Brazil?

Executive Summary There is a long term narrative that Europeans were the first to bring slavery to areas they colonized. In yet another example, we cover how this turns out to not be true. Introduction It is not at all common to hear about the slavery practices of the native tribes that existed before the…

Is the Wealth in European Based Countries Based Upon African Slavery?

Executive Summary  Africans often propose that European-based countries’ wealth is based upon either African slavery or the theft of African resources. We review the evidence to see the accuracy of this hypothesis. Introduction Africans and black Americans present a commonly stated but false storyline that all wealth in the European based countries is either based…

The Fake Storyline Around White Theft of South African Land

Executive Summary  Black South Africans have proposed a false version of history that places them as the original landholders of South Africa. Under this storyline, they claim all land owned by whites has been stolen. Introduction The fake storyline presented by black South Africans is rarely questioned and serves as a false assumption regarding who…

Why Was Chicanos Por La Causa Chosen to Buy the Mesa YMCA?

Executive Summary The story of the closure of the Mesa YMCA is covered in very politically correct terms. Here is the story that no media entity wanted to tell. Introduction The YMCA of Mesa AZ was closed in Dec of 2018. This YMCA was built in 1963 (from 2018, 55 years), and it was considered…

The Constant Sexual Motivation of Islam and its Sex Slavery

Executive Summary What is little discussed is how much sex drives Islam. Sex slavery has been a significant motivator for the spread of Islam. Introduction It is most common for western analysts to be uncritical of Islam. One area that is barely discussed in general is the strong motivation of sex slavery that pushed Islam…

How Muslims Lie About the History of Islamic Slavery

Executive Summary Muslims have a long history of falsifying the history of their religion, and with the topic of slavery, the same applies. We review another example of a Muslim propagandist on the topic of slavery. Introduction to Islamic Slavery Falsehoods Islamic Arabs were some of the most prolific slavers over the past several thousand…