How the Economic Policy Institute Wrongly Defended Critical Race Theory

Executive Summary The Economic Policy Institute is excellent when it comes to labor unions and public welfare. The EPI made false statements on CRT. Introduction For many years critical race theory was limited to universities. Critical race theory has always been something for those close to insane and easy to dismiss. However, this insanity is…

The Long Term Plan to Turn the US Into a Non White Country

Executive Summary There has been a multi-decade plan to turn the US country into a non-white society. Introduction Just living in the US makes it increasingly obvious that the country is amid a titanic changeover in the country’s demographics is converting the society into being diverse. Diverse is a code word for non-white, and this…

Even With Higher Average IQs, North Asians Produce Far Less IP Than Whites

Executive Summary North Asians do very well in US universities, but this does not allow them to produce original work. North Asians in the US and elsewhere constantly copy white IP. Introduction North Asians are the top-performing race in the US academically. However, for all of that academic success, Asians create low intellectual property levels,…

The Higher Levels of Plagiarism by Blacks And Other Non-Whites

Executive Summary Blacks and other non-whites have an established pattern of engaging in plagiarism. We cover a likely reason for this. Introduction Blacks and other non-whites have higher degrees of plagiarism than non-whites. Non-whites have much lower intellectual property development levels, which is a historical feature of the different races. This article will cover how…

How MLK Should Have Been Stripped of His Doctorate Because of Plagiarism

Executive Summary MLK was a serial plagiarizer, yet there has been very little coverage of this, and MLK never had his status adjusted for his plagiarism. Introduction MLK was caught plagiarizing his Ph.D. dissertation, which was part of a long-term pattern of plagiarism. However, MLK is still introduced as “Dr. Martin Luther King,” even though…

Black Plagiarism: How Root’s Author Alex Haley Was a Serial Plagiarizer Who Was Protected from Exposure

Executive Summary Alex Haley plagiarized most of the Roots from multiple books. This story shows how he escaped accountability. Introduction It was curious to learn that the best-selling black author in the world, Alex Haley, was a serial plagiarist. This topic introduces a general topic of the high frequency with which blacks engage in plagiarism….

Due to Black Takeover of Atlanta it is Turning into South Africa

Executive Summary Blacks are in the process of turning Atlanta into a predominantly black city, which as with other cities will ruin the city. Introduction Atlanta has been one of the few cities in the US that had a large black population but which was able to keep from dropping into the abyss. However, as…

Why Is the Primary Focus of The Public On US Slavery And Not Non White or Modern Slavery?

 Executive Summary Media has entirely overfocused on one particular era of slavery in one particular country. To discuss broader and historical slavery is to face critique. Introduction There is a presentation of slavery that is nearly entirely focused on the slavery of a single country, and only of a single race. Slavery was only for…

A Message to Muslims Who Can’t Tolerate the Truth On Islam And Slavery

 Executive Summary Muslims who read articles on this website often cannot handle it as all they get is false information from Islamic sources on slavery. This article addresses these Muslims. Introduction Slavery has a lengthy history in Africa as it has in virtually all regions of the world. There is a common misunderstanding that slavery…

The Origins of Internal Slavery in Africa

 Executive Summary It is often presented that slavery was brought to Africa by Europeans. This article covers the reality of slavery in Africa. Introduction Slavery has a lengthy history in Africa as it has in virtually all regions of the world. There is a common misunderstanding that slavery was “brought” to Africa from the outside,…