Are Whites Allowed to Brag About White Cities The Way Blacks Brag About Detroit?

Executive Summary This article covers a quote about Detroit that probably could not be written in reverse. Introduction This quote speaks for itself about the double standard on the topic of race. Quote on Detroit Being Black This is not the primary quote but illustrates the mindset of the author. You can easily get by…

The Torah States that Jews Should Deceive Gentiles and Be Rewarded

Executive Summary The Torah is explicit that Jews should deceive and cheat gentiles. Introduction This is an interesting video that explains that Jews are directed to deceive gentiles or non-Jews. Conclusions If this is written in the Torah, then why is this not more acknowledged and why is this considered controversial?

Why Will No One Say The Reason Detroit Has the Highest Car Insurance Rates is Because it is a Black City?

Executive Summary The articles that explain that Detroit has the highest car insurance rates in the country for some reason leave out the fact that the city is mostly black. Introduction As with any issue that relates to blacks, the topic of why Detroit has the highest car insurance rates in the country is aggressively…

How Whites Continually Lose Habitat Due to Immigration Conquest

Executive Summary A pattern has emerged in the past few decades where whites have continually lost habitat to non-white immigration. Introduction Over decades starting in roughly the 1960s, non-white immigration has caused white countries to become less and less white. In the short term, this has been generally considered sustainable. However, there are now multiple…

Why Whites Have to Assert Their Right to Live Around Other Whites

Executive Summary Whites need to begin to make the claim that they have the right to live around other whites. This claim is considered racist, but it is a right all other groups maintain. Introduction Whites that want to live around whites are being censored, and many other whites that want this are afraid to…

Why Are So Many Africans Saying Magufuli Was Murdered?

Executive Summary Many Africans have been claiming the Tanzanian president John Magufuli was murdered. We cover why this claim is being made. Introduction In this following video regarding the death of John Magufuli, there were many comments about how Magufuli must have been murdered. After reading these comments, I searched for evidence online that this…

The Problem with Coke’s Anti-White Employee Training

Executive Summary Coke introduced a highly anti-white training program under the construct of diversity. We analyze we these types of programs are becoming more common. Introduction This video describes the anti-white training that was being used at Coke.  Non-Whites Putting Whites in Their Place This is the problem with allowing non-white immigration into countries. When…

Why Blacks Want to Write Whites Out of Making Slavery Illegal in White Countries

Executive Summary Blacks in the US have gone to a significant effort to de-emphasize and even eliminate the role whites had in making slavery illegal in white countries. This article explains the reason for this strategy. Introduction When the first statues of ex-slaveholders were torn down during the George Floyd BLM protests, later statues of…

Why Is There An Expectation That Africans Will Behave and Perform Equal to Whites?

Executive Summary Liberals and blacks normally expect blacks to have the same outcomes as whites when they immigrate to white societies. They never do, but why is this an expectation? Introduction Every statistic across countries where Africans immigrate (or are brought) shows discrepancies between blacks and the white population. This is always presented as evidence…

Islamic Sex Slavery: How Many Sex Slaves Did Islamic Leaders Have?

Executive Summary What is hidden from most people is that Islamic leaders routinely had an enormous number of sex slaves. Muslims would like this to be forgotten and to not be associated with Islam. Introduction Muslims frequently lie about Arab involvement in sex slavery. However, how sex slavery is one of the primary reasons that…