Can You Tell The Difference Between the Summer of Love in 1967 Versus 2020 Riots?

Executive Summary The mayor of Seattle proposed that CHAZ was a summer of love harkening back to the hippies and 1969? How accurate was this description? Introduction In the following video, the mayor of Seattle made her “summer of love” forecast for CHAZ. See our references for this article and related articles at this link….

The Logical Flaw in Vox Presenting Diversity aka Non Whiteness As an Unquestioned Benefit

Executive Summary Virtually all of the media entities have decided to push diversity aggressively. Curiously, Vox does not even stop to question if diversity is beneficial. Introduction Vox is an establishment media entity that presents assumptions about what is good, without providing any evidence. At this point, it is clear that diversity (which means when…

Is the Term Nazi Becoming a Label for Whites Who Have Non PC Views?

Executive Summary Viewing how many people are using the term “Nazi,” it seems to be changing to be normalized personal attack. The term appears to be a euphemism for something that has little to do with its original definition. Introduction The term “Nazi” is very frequently used by the Left to describe people on the…

Why Are the British Efforts to Stamp out West African Slavery So Little Known?

Executive Summary The British made an enormous effort to put an end to the Atlantic Slave Trade. Why is this action by England so little covered in modern discussions around slavery? Introduction Something which is not generally considered by those that want to pull down monuments is that before the late 1700s, slavery was nearly…

Conservatives Don’t Get Race is More Important Than The Economic System

Executive Summary Conservatives like to propose that the only difference between countries is the economic system used. This article shows that race, rather than the economic system, is the most crucial variable. Introduction Conservatives and economists place an enormous amount of emphasis on the economic system selected. To both economists and conservatives, the only thing…

Why Do Blacks Continue to Move to White Countries That They Say Oppress Them?

Executive Summary Blacks living in white countries state they deal with intolerable levels of racism. Yet blacks continue to immigrate to white countries and to white areas within white countries. Why? Introduction The argument by blacks is that racism is systemic and endemic in white societies — and that all whites need to do whatever…

Did White Slave Traders Steal Slaves from Africa?

 Executive Summary It is often stated that white slaves stole Africans and brought them to the US (the slaves brought to Brazil or the Caribbean are ignored). We cover the accuracy of this claim. Introduction It is common to claim that white slavers stole people/Africans from Africa. This is untrue and a dishonest statement to…

Was It Wrong for Whites to Engage in Redlining?

Executive Summary Redlining, the practice of preventing blacks from moving to white areas, is generally considered highly objectionable. We cover how consistent the disagreeable presentation of redlining is. Introduction This video shows the redlining that occurred. PBS presents this as a terrible injustice.  Our References See our references for this article and related articles at…

How Multinationals Support Slavery and Slave Like Workers

 Executive Summary Multinationals are based in developed countries without slavery — but they support slavery in other countries. We cover how multinationals actively support slavery. Introduction Multinationals pretend, are the media allows them to pretend that they stand for moral behavior. However, while they virtue signal, they aggressively support overseas slavery. See our references for…

The Decline in US Happiness Entirely Unrelated to Diversity?

 Executive Summary Happiness in the US is now at the lowest level since the poll first began 50 years ago. What are the reasons for this decline in happiness? Introduction The following video lays out the increase in unhappiness in the US. The following video explains that the more diverse a society becomes, the less…