Considering The Meaning of Abilify Side Effects

Executive Summary Abilify is an antipsychotic with very severe side effects. This article explains and analyzes those side effects. Introduction Abilify is one of the most popular anti-psychotics that is prescribed for those with severe depression. This article covers Abilify side effects in a way that is independent of the pharmaceutical industry. son is likely…

Some Facinating Observations About Loneliness

Executive Summary Loneliness is a relatively little discussed topic that it turns out is prevalent and has many negative implications. Introduction This video is produced by a German company that continuously releases amazing videos on YouTube.  Dealing With a Lonely Person The observation of the video that is so important for those that may not…

What is the Relationship Between Depression and Anxiety in Parents and Children?

Executive Summary Parents and children highly influence each other. The topic of this article is to look at the research into this relationship. Introduction Childhood depression is extremely rare. This is expressed in the following quotation. “While many people think of depression as an adult condition, roughly 3% of children experience depression as well.” –…