The Code of Hammurabi Was Not the First Written Legal Code

Executive Summary It is often proposed that Hammurabi’s Code was the first written legal code. We cover this inaccuracy. Introduction Hammurabi’s Code is something many have heard of, but there is a large amount of misunderstanding. We cover one of the significant misunderstandings in this article. Not The Oldest, But the Best Organized and Preserved…

Bank Bail Outs and the Lies Told to Gain Support for Them

Executive Summary Bail outs are gifts to banks from governments that prevent them from ever having to adjust their behavior. Introduction Bail outs are necessary because private banks and related institutions lower standards for short-term profits. This leads to asset bubbles. When the bubbles pop, private banks can end up with losses. A bailout is…

The Basel III Accords

Executive Summary This was passed by the BIS to punish smaller banks and favor larger banks. Introduction Basel III was “passed” by the Bank of International Settlements. The objective of Basel III is described in the following quotation. “The proposed Basel III regulatory capital requirements are an immense and unnecessary burden that will actually threaten…

The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999

Executive Summary This banking act removed the Glass Steagall provisions. Introduction Under Bill Clinton, the Glass Steagall provisions were removed. These provisions had already been greatly diluted since being passed under FDR. This lead to both massive consolidation in banking, but also banks becoming riskier as the investment banking culture influenced the commercial banking side…

The McFadden Act

Executive Summary This law extended the charter of the Federal Reserve. Introduction This act extended the charter of the Federal Reserve into perpetuity. It also allowed national banks to open branches in many states, which allowed larger banks to compete against smaller banks. It loosened regulations on banks and gave the Federal Reserve more power…