How India Pressures the US Government to Look the Other Way on H1-B Visa Fraud

Executive Summary India demands that the US continually enlarge the H1-B program and that it look the other way on H1-B visa fraud. Introduction India’s role in pushing for the enlargement of the H1-B visa program and looking the other way at the numerous cases of fraud appears to be a long-term strategy for the…

How New Jersey Became The Center of Indian H1-B Visa Fraud

Executive Summary New Jersey has long been known as a location of low-quality Indian recruiters. It is also very high for H1-B visa fraud. Introduction Many domestic IT workers have learned not to pick up the phone when the state “New Jersey” comes across on the phone. The reason? Because (unless one has family in…

How Indians Parasitized the Minority and Women’s Owned Businesses Status

Executive Summary The US developed programs that gave contract preference to historically marginalized groups — namely minorities and women. Recent Indian immigrants have parasitized a program that was never developed for them. Introduction We recently received an email from an Indian recruiter bragging about being a woman-owned business. It made sense to explain the true…