Why So Few Muslims Have Actually Read the Koran

Executive Summary Muslims often state that non-Muslims misinterpret the Koran. Yet, most Muslims do not themselves read the Koran. Introduction Many Muslim apologists will often say that those that critique Islam must be ignorant. However, Muslims have a pattern of repeating false information about Islam, such as “Islam is the most pro-woman of all religions,”…

False Arguments Made by Muslims Against Those that Criticize Islam

Executive Summary Muslims use several well-worn arguments to keep Islam from being criticized. In this article, we cover these techniques. Introduction Many Muslim apologists are everpresent to stop any criticism of Islam. These are the primary arguments that they use. See our references for this article and related articles at this link. The False Argument…

How Islam is Leading to an OverPopulation Disaster

Executive Summary African countries that are highly Muslim and driven by Islamic principles are leading to an overpopulation disaster. This disaster is causing enormous immigration to non-Muslims areas. Introduction Muslims have a problem with imposing unsustainable outcomes on countries. This is coming to a head in highly Islamic countries. Our References See our references for…

Can You Tell the Difference in How ISIS and Mohammed Behaved?

Executive Summary ISIS performed horrific acts in its fighting in Iraq. But how similar is what ISIS did to what Mohammed did in the 7th century? Introduction The idea promoted by CNN and most major media is that ISIS has “nothing to do with Islam.” Obama also stated that ISIS has nothing to do with…

How Much Did Barack Obama Really Know About Islam and Lie About Islam?

Executive Summary Obama gave a ridiculous speech on Islam that perpetuated falsehoods. This article questions what Obama knew when he gave this speech. Introduction Obama provided an enormous amount of false information on Islam in the following speech. We will begin by watching the speech and pointing out the false statements made by Obama. See…

Islam Views Trading African Slaves the Same as Trading Animals

Executive Summary A Hadith calls trading black slaves the same as trading animals. We cover the reality of Islam. Introduction Muslims frequently lie about Arab involvement in slavery. However, how slaves are to be treated and thought of is explained explicitly in a Hadith. See Our References See our references for this article and related…

How Cartoons Anger Muslims More than Boka Haram Kidnappings

Executive Summary Muslims lie about what actually angers them. Muslims are anti-west and act as primitive tribalists, only being angered by minor insults to Islam. Introduction There is a myth that most Muslims are moderate, and there is only a small percentage of global Muslims who are extremists. In this article, we cover how the…