The Amazing Disappearing BI Reports and BW as a Roach Motel

Executive Summary The History of BI/BW on Projects. How is BI/BW like a Roach Motel? Introduction For those who don’t know much about the SAP Business Intelligence product (as opposed to simply the term “business intelligence,” which could refer to any “computer-based technique for identifying, extracting, and analyzing business data” – Wikipedia), BI seems to…

Why SAP BI Was Misnamed and the SAP Interpretation of Business Intelligence is Incorrect

Executive Summary Why was SAP BI/BW named as it was, and which name was more applicable to the actual product? What is the process that is required before one has “business intelligence?” Video Introduction: Why SAP BI Was Misnamed and the SAP Interpretation of Business Intelligence is Incorrect Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the…


The Problem with Characteristics and CVCs in SAP DP and SAP BW

Executive Summary A characteristic value combination or CVC is a foundational item for both SAP DP and BW. We cover the concept behind CVCs and how it relates to other vendors. Introduction to Characteristics Characteristics are critical to both DP and BW. You will learn how characteristics work and how they are managed within these…


How to Build Up to a DP InfoCube

Executive Summary To use DP, it is necessary to create a DP InfoCube, which is done from the DP WorkBench and uses InfoObjects and master data bearing characteristics. Introduction The DP workbench (RSA1) contains many data holding and data management elements. This post identifies and discusses them (since “characteristics” are used so often in this…


How to Understand the Demand Planning Administrator Workbench

Executive Summary How the SAP Workbench works in both BW and DP. Interacting with the Workbench There are two major parts to DP. One is the forecasting portion, and the other is the data workbench. The forecasting methods are applied to the data workbench. DP’s Workbench is a copy of the BW Workbench, a problem…