Emails Expose NIH, Media and Big Tech Covering Up Lab Leak Hypothesis
Executive Summary
- The NIH, media, and Big Tech stated that the lab leak hypothesis was a conspiracy theory.
- The emails from the NIH prove the NIH performed a cover-up.
Fauci, Collins, and many others who interacted with them at the NIH have been exposed to cover up the likelihood that the covid virus was created in a lab and leaked from a lab. This ruins the credibility of establishment media entities and Big Tech that censored this information and called it a conspiracy theory, as this article will explain.
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Reviewing the Media Coverage Before the NIH Emails
It is essential to review the coverage of the lab leak hypothesis by the establishment media and Big Tech and what Fauci and the NIH said about the lab leak. The NIH provides the “fuel” of this false contradiction. Then the establishment media and Big Tech circled the wagons around this “fake knowledge” and evidence-free hypothesis. Matt Taibbi explains the mechanism as is explained in the following video.
This illustrates a highly doctrinal media system, with journalists presenting themselves as the standard-bearers of what is true when they repeat biased claims by powerful entities. This shows the media as the victim of a massive Dunning Kreuger Effect. As soon as the establishment hypothesis is created, media entities do the work of discrediting any competing hypothesis. A competing hypothesis is then called a “conspiracy theory.” Taibbi explains that in his experience, anyone who would naturally question the establishment’s explanations is run out of establishment media. This leaves a mass of conformist journalists who the establishment easily manipulates.
This video shows how Fauci was caught lying about the funding he approved not being gain of function research.