Executive Summary

  • This is an interactive TCO calculator for Preactor.

How it Works

Fill out the form below for your adjustable Preactor TCO Calculator, as well as each of the supporting cost components that make up the TCO. The form does not have a “beginning or end.” The form is constantly calculating, so feel free to make constant changes and the application will auto-adjust.


  • Vendor Name: Preactor (See for Vendor Rating)
  • Software Category: Production Planning and Scheduling
  • Company Headquarters: 14785 Preston Road, Suite 550, Dallas TX 75254
  • Site: https://www.preactor.com
  • Contact number 972.789.5125
  • Delivery Mechanism: On Premises

Application: Preactor

Enter the following values.
How much of the application's functionality is planned to be put into service.
The estimated customization of the implementation. Customization is difficult to estimate before the project begins, but is of course a critical feature of TCO. Customization differs greatly by software category. For instance, ERP systems tend to require the most customization because they offer the most generic functionality. Customization is greatly dependent upon the software selected and how well it matches the business requirements.
This is the number of licensed users. It is not the number of concurrent users -- which would be much lower.
Enterprise software may support a single language and region, or many languages and regions. As more complexity is added overall costs go up, while per user costs may decline.
How many languages must the application support?
An instance is an installation of the application. For instance, most companies will have multiple instances of ERP if they are global -- each country requires its own financial system. Multiple instances can be quite advantageous as it allows the application to be customized for a particular environment, and results less time spent debating the configuration between regions. The instance number, while related to user number, is treated as independent of it in this calculation.
Multiple locations will be most common when each region/international location will have its own instance. So Europe will be one instance, and the US on the other. Of course, some implementations will be a single global instance, but this means configuration restrictions and limitations.
These questions relate to improvements and adjustments made post go live.
Enterprise software does not typically meet the requirements of the company post go-live, but requires subsequent tuning and often activation of new functionality. We recommend 3 post-go live improvements for this category of software -- however, feel free to adjust if you have specific plans.
Through its lifespan in a company software will typically need to be assessed to see look for areas of improvement or to perform troubleshooting. We recommend 2 assessments over the life of this application for this category of software -- however feel free to adjust if you have specific plans.
All Brightwork Research & Analysis TCO estimates differ in their "year of use" assumptions per software category, as various applications typically stay in companies for different lengths of time. For example, some applications, like ERP systems, have the highest lock-in, stay in longer than other applications, and be more easily switched out.
The initial purchase price.
Includes both the cost of the hardware as well as the hardware support for on premises solutions. SaaS solutions have no separately broken out hardware costs.
This is a comprehensive estimate including both external/consulting costs as well as the costs of the internal resources assigned to the project.
This output includes both the software vendor's supports costs as well as the internal business and IT costs. Maintenance costs are consistently the highest cost, and the highest underestimated costs for enterprise software. Our estimates are based upon what is the appropriate level of support for each application - which varies widely based upon a number of factors that are covered in our article at this site on support ratios (see the references section at the bottom of this page). Our ratios also adjust by the number of users served.
This output combines the costs from post go live functionality improvement and assessments/audits.
Each cost category above is added the total cost of ownership which is listed below.
This output is the estimate for the total cost of ownership for 7 years. This is simply the combined amount of all the costs listed above. This is the estimated complete costs the company will incur from purchasing, implementing and using the application.
This output simply divides the TCO by the number of years the application is used by the company -- so its yearly expected total cost. Just divide this value by number of users you entered in the input section for per user per year cost. Applications have different costs per user based upon how broadly the application is used and costs per user cannot be compared between software categories.