How to Understand EWM Yard Management

Executive Summary

  • Yard management is functionality in EWM that integrates the warehouse with the yard. It is copied from the yard management in other warehousing applications.
  • The yard is based upon parking spaces, doors, and checkpoints.


<p “>This is a function that can be used to manage the flow of vehicles. The yard is an adjacent area outside a warehouse where vehicles and transportation units are being processed. <p “>There are three components to yard management. <ol “>

  • Yard Location Management – in this component, the physical locations (parking lots, doors) are mapped to the objects (trucks) to system entities (storage bins and transport units)
  • Yard Movements – this component represents the physical movement by the trucks by moving transport units and vehicles within the yard locations
  • Yard Stock – this component reports the transport units content to support and control the loading and unloading activities

What is a Yard Based Upon? <p “>The yard is based upon the warehouse structure of EWM. A yard can be represented by a separate storage type in a warehouse. However, it can also be configured with a separate storage number. In both cases, you can use one yard for multiple warehouses. You can also define a warehouse with multiple yards. Storage bins in the yard are used to represent the following <ol “>

  • Parking spaces – you map parking spaces as standard storage bins with standard sections
  • Checkpoints – all vehicles must enter and leave through a checkpoint. The checkpoint is a supply chain unit with its own address. This represents a physical gate at the yard entrance or a virtual gate from which data is transmitted electronically. Checkpoints are mapped using yard bins. You must assign each checkpoint to a yard bin. This assignment must be unique, meaning you cannot assign two checkpoints to the same yard bin. You must also assign each checkpoint to an SCU as such as the SCU of the warehouse.
  • Doors – the door connects the yard to the warehouse. It is important for stock posting and yard movement

<p “>The Transportation Unit arrives at the checkpoint and is checked in. The checkpoint is where you register the vehicles and TUs that arrive in or leave the yard. If a door is not available for loading /unloading, the TU is moved to a parking space in the yard parking lot. <p “>Yard movements enable you to move TUs from one yard bin to another inside a yard. Each time you want to move a TU in the yard, you have to manually create a warehouse task. To do this, you use the standard functions for creating and confirming WTs. <p “>The relationship between HU and TU is always 1:1. WTs for yard movement are always HU WT.
