How Ivermectin Improves the Immune Response by Acting as an Immunomodulator

Executive Summary

  • Immunomodulation is the control of the response of the immune system to threats.
  • This is what Ivermectin has proven to do to improve the immune system.


A critical benefit of Ivermectin is its impact on moderating and optimizing the immune system’s response.

Understanding Immunomodulation

Immunomodulation is the calibration of the immune system so that it responds appropriately.

Problem #1: An Under-Responsive Immune System

When the immune system does not respond strongly enough, then sickness ensues. For example, “immunocompromised” cannot fight off infection, illness, etc.

Problem #2: An Over-Responsive Immune System

On the other side of the spectrum, when the immune system overreacts, it will attack healthy cells.

When this occurs, it is called an autoimmune disease. The category of autoimmune disease is just the organ or area of the body that the immune system attacks. However, all autoimmune diseases stem from an overreactive immune system attacking the body’s cells. The immune system must constantly differentiate between the body’s and invading cells; the immune system loses this ability under autoimmune disease.

Going Too High in the Immune Response

The immune system is extraordinarily complicated. Even the field of immunology does not have a firm grasp of how the immune system works. It is more accurate to say they understand the broad outlines.

The immune system can be pushed “too high” or “too low” depending on stress and many factors that are only partially understood by medicine (we cover the highlights of an excellent video on the immune system in the article Highlights of the Immune System by Kurzgesagt).

  • Ivermectin has been repeatedly demonstrated to be an immuno-modulator.
  • Immunomodulation is a primary factor in fighting cancer as it optimizes the immune response, and thus, the proper immune response is critical for preventing and treating cancer.