How Zakir Naik Supports Having Critics Punished When They Travel to Muslim Country

Executive Summary

  • Zakir Naik and other Muslims have proposed punishing Muslim critics with jail sentences when captured during traveling to Muslim countries.
  • We cover this plan by Muslims.


Muslims often propose that they are open-minded and respect the laws of the land where they live. Therefore, it is concerning to learn of a plan to punish non-Muslims making anti-Islamic statements by tracking them and then punishing them in Muslim countries.

See our references for this article and related articles at this link.

What is Zakir Naik’s and Other Muslim’s Plan to Punish Muslim Critics

In this video, David Wood observes that Muslims should be jailed for the crime of criticizing Islam — when traveling to Muslim countries. How much further will Muslims take this strategy. Could Muslim countries lure individuals to countries with job offers or other opportunities and then have them arrested? 

In this video, Naik engages in the taqiyya, which means he advises that Muslims lie to non-Muslims and to “be nice to them” when the Muslim is in the minority. However, the Muslim would then report or record the statements by the non-Muslim. Then arresting the non-Muslim in the Muslim country where they would be punished for their earlier transgression.

This practice of preventing women from leaving Saudi Arabia seems to be the model that Muslim countries would employ against Muslim critics. Saudi Arabia appears willing to use illegal means to bring back women who seek to escape Saudi Arabia. 


Naik and Muslims that agree with him on this topic are highly unethical individuals. This also brings into question which much Muslims support the freedom of speech of people who do not live in Muslim countries.