Important Quotes on Bill Gates

Executive Summary

  • The following are Bill Gates quotes from a variety of sources.


These are quotes I use for a variety of articles.

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Quotes on Ethics

For some reason, the ample evidence around the mentality of Bill Gates is swept under the rug. Bill Gates is a predator, as is explained in the following quotation.

Microsoft was not new to such accusations either; its co-founder, Paul Allen, described working with Bill Gates as “browbeating and verbal attacks”, once saying, “some days working with you is like being in hell”. In 1983 Allen fell ill with cancer; he later described on CBS News that Gates tried to “basically dilute my share down to almost nothing… and it was, really a shocking and disheartening moment for me”, “I was right in the middle of radiation therapy”. –

On Rebranding Himself as a Philanthropist

Two decades past, the daunting face of once the world’s richest man has well and truly rebranded himself: the philanthropist. The software engineer, billionaire business mogul and technology monopoliser had turned his attention elsewhere… vaccines and charity. In early to mid-2000, Gates created what soon became one of the largest ‘charitable’ trusts in the world, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as its stablemate GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation. –

How the Mainstream Media Presents Gates

But as with many of us, 2020 had different plans for Gates. An early Cassandra who warned of our lack of preparedness for a global pandemic, he became one of the most credible figures as his foundation made huge investments in vaccines, treatments, and testing. He also became a target of the plague of misinformation afoot in the land, as logorrheic critics accused him of planning to inject microchips in vaccine recipients. (Fact check: false. In case you were wondering.) –

What is left out of this story is why he is a credible figure, as he has no background in the area, and what his investments are versus these warnings. This is the typical uncritical coverage of Bill Gates.

One Fake Philanthropy: The Number of Grants Given

One of the biggest misunderstandings about Bill Gates is that he has any philanthropic intent with anything he does. This is explained in the following quotation.

The use of political terms like philanthropist – firmly political as we shall come to see, should be no more overlooked than the fact that Gates has made over 2130 grants, channeled around $40 billion through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and given much more to the tune of eleven figures. It is almost universally agreed that philanthropy is a considerable act, yet it is always universally agreed not to pin down the meaning of that word. Through the foolish eyes of the BBC, the Gates Foundation is usually dismissed as nothing but pure and triumphant philanthropy, except, it seems, only through those eyes can that perspective be taken – not least because it is that very organization that has received millions from the foundation. –

Event 201: Preparing Before the Pandemic

Why was the Gates Foundation engaging in such specific planning before the pandemic?

Three months prior to the first outbreak of ‘Covid-19’ in China, the Gates Foundation was assembling its own venture – a ‘high-level pandemic’ planning exercise. The event, named Event 201, was a pandemic scenario exercise to prepare for future pandemics, specifically a coronavirus pandemic. Partnering co-founders of the exercise were the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (who have received over $7m from the Gates Foundation) and the Johns Hopkins University (which has recieved nearly $900m from the Gates foundation). The Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security wrote of the event:

Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes global—a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences. A severe pandemic, which becomes “Event 201,” would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions.

The purpose of the exercise was to simulate what it would look like in the case of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic, and how global governments and business partners would have to react to stop the spread of the virus, tackle ‘disinformation’, and ‘protect’ their citizens’. In creating this reality, the event also prepared its own pre-recorded television simulations which ran:

“It began in healthy-looking pigs, months, perhaps years ago; a new Coronavirus spreads silently within herds. Gradually farmers started getting sick. Infected people got a respiratory illness with symptoms ranging from mild Flu-like signs to severe Pneumonia. The sickest required intensive care – many died”

… “Experts agree unless it is quickly controlled it could lead to a severe pandemic, an outbreak that circles the globe, and affects people everywhere”

The key players in the pandemic planning exercise were Dr Chris Elias representing the Gates Foundation, Sofia Borges; the Senior Vice President of the UN Foundation, Timothy Evans who formerly worked as assistant director-general at the WHO, co-founded GAVI with the Gates Foundation and worked as a director at both the Rockefeller Foundation and World Bank.

Other members included Stephen Redd; director of Public Health Service at the CDC, Avril Haines; former US national security advisor, director of the Central Intelligence Agency and assistant to Barack Obama, Adrian Thomas; vice president at Johnson & Johnson, Hasti Taghi; representing NBCUniversal, and most appropriately, George Gao, the director of the Chinese Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. –

This is how the event was described on the website.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences. –

When the Coronavirus Hit and The Imperial College Covid Forecast

Three months after the exercise, which humbly took place on October 18th, 2019, a new alleged coronavirus had made its way into Wuhan and was ready to ‘spread’ internationally. For this to happen, first there would have to be a way to test for the ‘virus’.

Unfortunately for the philanthropists, such the problem of funding millions of tests, but no incentive to lockdown was still present. On the 16th March, in came professors Neil Ferguson and Azra Ghani from Imperial College London. Ferguson and Ghani released an epidemiological report warning that if western governments did not lockdown their countries, they would face severe deaths. The report warned that the UK could face up to 550,000 deaths, and the United States could face up to 2.2 million deaths.

Ferguson wasn’t going to wait around either, soon making it into the House of Commons Science and Technology department to warn the government of the measures needed. Later he was also appointed as a member of SAGE and NERVTAG, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies to the government and the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group. –