Is It Still Rape if the Rapist is Not White?

Executive Summary

  • Rape is taken very seriously in white countries, particularly by feminists.
  • However, if the rapist is not white, the story changes on its seriousness.


Rape is taken very seriously in white countries. Feminists, in particular, exaggerate the frequency of rape in white countries and have made up a series of ridiculous claims about rape, including the hypothesis that it has zero to do with sex and is 100% about power. What is particularly curious is seeing what happens to the interpretation of rape when non-whites perform it.

Our References for This Article

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The Focus of White Feminists

We knew where to go to find out what feminists were focusing on—the website of Ms. Magazine.

We checked the MS Magazine website. We found that nearly every article had to do with women’s issues in developed or white countries — the exact places where women already have the greatest freedom and equality.

MS Magazine is much less interested in areas of the world where the most significant disparity exists between women and men.

With the cooperation and complicity of much of Hollywood and the Hollywood PR industry, Weinstein Company attorneys, and Weinstein Company HR, Harvey Weinstein abused his power over women.

However, Weinstein’s crimes are far less than what goes covered up or un-prosecuted in Europe by Muslim men (as just one example). For example, only two women accused Weinstein of rape versus pressure tactics to obtain sex, which was Weinstein’s primary method of operation. Yet mass rapes by grooming gangs in Europe are covered up if the assailants are Muslim.

This is, according to Swedes, a good thing, as it keeps non-white groups from being “stereotyped.” I can’t recall any feminists in the US or Europe having a problem with supressing rapes if they are committed by Muslim men.

Notice the media also appear more concerned with Weinstein than with criminal rapes.

This demonstrates that the #MeToo movement can be so focused on the problems of sexual harassment in white countries. In contrast, the movement ignores far more significant issues and rape in non-white countries. This is premeditated on the part of mainstream feminists, and there is an important reason for this that will be covered further on in this article.

How Feminists Adhere to WOKE Groupthink

MS Magazine and feminism, in general, is “WOKE,” which means “culturally sensitive.”

  • This means blaming white societies and holding them accountable while being silent in non-white societies.
  • It means being progressive enough to state that honor killings are (if I may create a synopsis of various quotes, would look something like this)…

“How one culture’s fathers deals with young women who apostate (reject Islam), and that is ok and we need to be sensitive to it, or at the very least ignore it.”

And this extends to non-whites living in white countries.

How The UK Keeps From Being Politically Incorrect By Not Prosecuting Rapists — If They Are Not White

The following video describes how women stood by, did nothing, and did not inform authorities, while they knew that Muslim men were raping young and underage women. This was all done in the spirit of WOKEness.

In Europe, there has been a massive increase in the horrific Muslim sex trafficking or grooming; in some cases, one right affected 1400 young girls. The women admitted they did it because they did not want it to become public and reinforce racist stereotypes.

The following quotation explains this.

Who is allowed to be part of the #MeToo movement? I ask because on Friday five men were found guilty of horrific sexual crimes against eight girls and yet the case hasn’t trended on Twitter. There have been no hashtags. The girls’ suffering hasn’t been widely talked about. There have been very few declarations of solidarity from feminists. There’s pretty much been silence. It isn’t hard to see why. The problem for the mostly middle-class, well-connected feminists who make up the #MeToo movement is that this case involved both the wrong kind of victim and the wrong kind of perpetrator. Strikingly, the judge didn’t only condemn the men – he also criticised the authorities in Rotherham. He said they had at best been ‘totally ineffectual’ and at worst ‘wholly indifferent’ to the abuse of girls by Muslim gangs. He said he was ‘quite satisfied’ that the ‘relevant authorities’ in Rotherham knew girls were being targeted for sexual exploitation. And their failure to do anything about it is a ‘lamentable state of affairs’. Boiled down, this really means that they considered it more important to protect Muslims from criticism than to protect working-class girls from sexual abuse. Even now, discussion about Muslim grooming gangs is shushed. Anyone who raises it will be branded an Islamophobe, a racist and maybe even a fascist. – The Spectator

This quote is amazing, as, in addition to women in the neighborhood, the authorities themselves are accused here of turning a blind eye to rape.

One has to ask the question, why are the authorities in Manchester doing this, unless they are receiving pressure to look the other way?

This same topic has arisen in Sweden due almost entirely to Muslim immigrants, and now Sweden has so many rapes, it is hard for them to keep up according to the police.

In the following video, the Swedish authorities complain now that they have to deal with rapes of babies.

Sweden Law Enforcement #1 Objective: Keeping Muslims From Being Stereotyped as Rapists

This is not discussed, is that Islam actively promotes rape under many circumstances, as I cover in the article Is It Still Rape if the Rapist is Not White?

In Dubai, foreign women are prosecuted for being raped. Feminists and women, in general, will not critique this judgment, because Dubai is not a white country. Therefore it is not PC to critique a non-white country. 

The following comment I took from the same YouTube video is quite interesting.

I worked in UAE for a while and I can tell you outrageous facts about the hypocrisy that would shock everyone but in short I would say a place like Dubai which imports prostitutes in plane loads for sending them to clubs all over while holding their passport to make money out of them is quite significant indication of how corrupt Islamic representation of religion is in such countries.

The biggest attraction of Dubai is the massive import of prostitutes and this poor lady is being imprisoned for sex without wedlock after being raped; what sick despicable vermins in human skin these people are. – Comment on YouTube 

German Lose Their Minds Under WOKE Influence

German authorities call out the disproportionate of rapes being caused by Muslim immigrants as “racist.” They also claim that if Muslim immigrants were to be able to get better jobs, rapes would decrease. Apparently, not having the right job will push even the most reasonable person to begin raping others. I have heard of property crimes being based upon poverty, but blaming rapes on poverty is a new one.

What has been the response of feminists to these rapes by non-white men?

It has been primarily to critique those bringing up grooming as racist. 

How Black Women Have Been Struggling to Blame Overall Society and Call It Racism

US blacks have been struggling mightily for some time to figure out a way to blame their own cultural problems with rape, on the broader white community. They have not found a successful strategy to do this. One of the ways they hide the high levels of assault by black men is by declaring their assaults, but by being very careful to never mention the race of the person who assaulted them. Their preference obviously would be to be able to point the finger at other races for assaulting them, and then discuss how this is due to endemic white supremacy, which would allow for race scamming.

The only problem with this is that it is very infrequent for other races to rape or even harass black women. However, it is very common for black men to sexually assault white women.

When Oprah Winfrey began producing a documentary on the rape allegations against Russell Simmons, she was threatened by many in the black community as it reinforced “racial stereotypes” about black men. She was told to not embarrass the black community by bringing down a powerful black man. Oprah promptly cratered to the pressure and took her name off of the documentary.

Why Create a Documentary on a Black Rapist, When One Could Cover a White Rapist?

Many blacks asked why Oprah was creating a documentary on a black man who was an alleged serial rapist when she could have instead create a documentary on a white man. This is the same pressure that is brought to bear on black women who are rape victims to not report rape. Reporting rape in the black community is said to “reinforce racial stereotypes.”

Oprah “stands in support” of these women, but did not follow through. Black women have a long-established pattern of not reporting rapes by black men.

The woman being interviewed is very clear, black men and also women have pressured her not to critique and press charges against a powerful black man. These same blacks would be 100% calling out rape if the rapist was white. 


According to feminists, rape is a horrendous crime and an example of men enforcing the patriarchy on women. They are extremely strident on this point — is unless the rape is performed by a non-white man, then the topic becomes “complicated” and clouded by WOKE thinking, and many feminists and women, in general, would prefer those non-white men not be prosecuted for rape. But on the other hand they not only want white men prosecuted aggressively for rape, but they want various forms of harassment also categorized as rape — but only for white men.

Black women and men in the US pressure other blacks to not report rapes by blacks as it plays into “gender stereotypes.”

This brings up the question, is rape really rape, if the perpetrator is not white?