On the Topic of Fenbendazole Dosage and Sourcing

Executive Summary

  • This article explains the questions we have been getting regarding Fenbendazole dosage and sourcing.


We have been getting many questions from those regarding treatment specifics for cancer or who have a family member with cancer about dosage and sourcing, as well as finding MDs who will deal with patients who are interested in Fenbendazole treatment.

About the Brightwork Research Treatment Database

We have a subscription website that provides people with everything they need to know about using Ivermectin for several diseases. Cancer is just one of our most researched areas. To see more see the below article indexes. 

Article Indexes

  • Open this link to see just one example Ivermectin article index.
  • Open this link to see the full article index. 

We have the most research on Ivermectin and Ivermectin for cancer and are completely independent. However, we have to charge subscribers to stay independent. We have free articles that expose readers to our research and writing -- however most of our content is behind a paywall. 

Repeating Patterns of Medical Establishment Corruption

The topic of Fenbendazole has become a repeat of the corrupt medical establishment covered by the movie Dallas Buyers Club. This movie was very popular but did not impact the medical establishment in terms of changing things. AZT was the approved AIDS protocol. AZT is a drug that quickly killed people and was preferred by Dr. Fauci based on faulty hypotheses and pharmaceutical interests. 

AZT is deadly, but it is an on-patent and extremely expensive drug. Therefore, the preferred treatment of the medical establishment, with all other far superior treatments (it’s hard to get a worse treatment than AZT), is not being approved or even considered for approval. This is very similar to the cancer treatments that are normally applied versus drugs like Fenbendazole which are highly effective against cancer, but not approved for cancer by the FDA.

It is amazing to watch this movie and see that nothing has changed from this time in the US medical system.

Issue #1: The Complications Involved with Fenbendazole Dosage

The only approved dosage of this drug is to treat parasites, as it is the only approved for this drug by the FDA, even though many studies have been published showing the benefits of Fenbendazole for not only cancer but many other benefits, including immunomodulation. (See more at The Fenbendazole Dosage Guide)

We predict that the FDA will never approve Fenbendazole for any other use than to treat parasites.

Issue #2: How We Arrived At Our Recommended Dosage

We reviewed many studies on Fenbendazole for different types of treatment. These studies show Fenbendazole is effective, which the medical establishment says is either flawed or doesn’t exist. Some of these studies are published on the NIH website, meaning they are hosted at the NIH, but the NIH does not acknowledge their existence in public comments.

The FDA only approves Fenbendazole as an Antiparasitic

The FDA only approves Fenbendazole as an anti-parasitical and has been for over 50 years. But it is unlikely any pharmaceutical company will ever go to the expense to perform a clinical trial on Fenbendazole, as there are no profits to be made from such an endeavor — and that is the only way drugs are approved. If they did, they would have to alter the molecule and then patent it, and then they would charge an arm and a leg for what is already a generic drug.

The US Government Health Authorities Are Aligned With Promoting Only Patent Drugs

Studies have continued on Fenbendazole, but the NIH or other pharmaceutical companies will not fund them. At the direction of pharmaceutical companies, the FDA actively discourages the use of Fenbendazole. Neither the FDA nor NIH cares about the evidence supporting Fenbendazole — Fenbendazole is a generic drug — as it is old and has come off of its patent, which is a problem for their sponsors.

Issue #3: The Surprising Aspect With Fenbendazole Sourcing

Fenbendazole sourcing was much more complicated than we anticipated — and this is because the market for generic drugs is much more inefficient, with much higher price variances than we knew. With our Fenbendazole recommended dosage, buying Fenbendazole from public sources can get expensive.

This is why we have several sourcing options in an article on our subscription site.