References for Brightwork Corona Virus Articles

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Executive Summary

  • These are the references that were used for our coronavirus and pharmaceutical articles.


This is the reference list for the coronavirus and pharmaceutical articles, as well as interesting quotes from these references at Brightwork Research & Analysis.

There are so many references within this reference article that it is useful for those doing coronavirus research. These quotes contain excellent sources which undermine the establishment media and pharmaceutical industry presentation of covid which is only directed towards promoting the dangerous vaccinations and maximizing the profits of vaccine companies.


  • There are references for over 50 articles on covid in this one article.
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Usage Directions

  • There are a lot of articles’ references listed in this article. To find the article you are interested in select CRTR+F. Then type in just the beginning of the article name, and your browser should take you right to it.
  • You can select the article title to be taken to the article which will open in a new window, or select the reference link to open that in a new window.

Reference #1: Article Titled:

What is the Most Important Variable in A Country’s Success Versus the Corona Virus? 

This explains which countries tended to do well vis-a-vis covid, versus those that did not.
















Many international bodies and media entities stated that Sweden’s approach would lead to catastrophe. None of those projections happened. Is it time to re-evaluate the effectiveness of the extremely expensive lockdowns and the widespread assertions regarding the effectiveness of masks?  

Reference #2: Article Titled:

The Answer to Coronavirus is Isolating the Plus 65 Age Group

The best response to covid would have been isolating just the most vulnerable while allowing the rest of the society to function as normal. This article covers how there was never any evidence to support lockdowns.






Reference #3: Article Titled:

Why Do Predominantly White States Have the Least Coronavirus Deaths?

This pointed out the curiosity that white states had the lowest deaths from covid, which is also interesting because whites have by far the highest average age of all racial groups in the US.

Reference #4: Article Titled:

What Happens with the Future of Work and Work Places After Coronavirus?

There was a massive change in work during the covid lockdowns. This article explores what happens after.

Reference #5: Article Titled:

Are the Pfizer and Moderna Exaggerating the Effectiveness of their Corona Virus Vaccines?

Pharmaceutical companies promote the idea that they are aligned with public health, however, they told enormous lies to get their vaccines approved by the FDA, and have been lying to the public for decades.















Reference #6: Article Titled:

How Me Too Drugs Undermine the Efficiency of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Me Too or copycat drugs are drugs that do nothing new and simply duplicate a drug with a slight change. Like movie sequels, pharmaceutical companies love them because it requires no innovation and there is a proven market for them. The FDA could outlaw this, but because the FDA works for the pharmaceutical industry, they encourage pharmaceutical companies by approving every copycat drug that is submitted to them.


Reference #7: Article Titled:

What We Can Learn About Trump’s Inept Advice on Drinking Lysol for Treating Coronavirus

Humorously, Trump confused using a disinfectant against covid on the surface outside of the body, with ingesting or having disinfectant injected into the body. This brings up the question of how much Trump knew about biology.

Reference #8: Article Titled:

Pfizer Has Promoted its Vaccine for Coronavirus, But How Reliable Is Information from Pfizer?

Pfizer has paid out numerous judgments to the US DOJ in the billions for criminal fraud and for exaggerating the effectiveness of their drugs. And this is who the world is relying on for information on vaccine efficacy and safety.


Reference #9: Article Titled:

Why the Public Expects a Coronavirus Vaccine Too Quickly

The public was told repeatedly by the establishment media that a vaccine would be arriving. However, this was completely inconsistent with the history of vaccine development.


Speaking in parliament, Matt Hancock said, “Initial analysis suggests that this variant is growing faster than the existing variant,” he said. Over 1000 cases involving this variant have been identified in the UK, he said, suggesting the true number is much higher as identifying the virus requires sequencing, which is not normally done. However, Hancock also said similar variants have been identified in other countries over the last few months and there was nothing to suggest that this variant is more likely to cause serious disease or evade vaccine protection. Health authorities are still analysing the data.

Reference #10: Article Titled:

The Evidence that Dr. Fauci is Unscientific and Constantly Lying

We determined that Dr. Fauci was providing consistently contradictory and false information before we knew how deep the rabbit hole went on Fauci’s corruption and intimidation tactics.


Despite their single-use nature, disposable masks are expected to take more than four centuries to decompose while in the ocean.




Social distancing doesn’t require the near-total shutdown of our economy to make a significant impact. Essential businesses already are allowed a cast of thousands thronging their narrow aisles. Why are small businesses not allowed 10 or less persons in their store at once to survive? Why are restaurants and bars not allowed to serve outside?

There’s absolutely no evidence this virus is airborne — and in fact you are much more at risk at home with friends than in ultraviolet-cleansed sunshine and salt air.

If active case load is the measure of how this virus is spreading, are the people who have recuperated from the virus deducted from the total? If not, why not? If 1,000 people a day are contracting it and 2,000 are getting over it, it is in fact diminishing, not expanding in the community. Due to the highly contagious nature of COVID-19, current statistics would suggest perhaps the majority here have already been exposed.




Quarantine is often proposed and sometimes used to control the spread of infectious diseases through a human population. Yet there is usually little or no information on the effectiveness of attempting to quarantine humans that is not of an anecdotal or conjectural nature.






Covid authoritarians might say that everyone has to be vaccinated because of spreading. That, too, doesn’t acknowledge natural immunity. As for the rest, the possibility of asymptomatic transmission of the Covid-19 virus from the unvaccinated is extremely low. So again, all the authoritarians seem to have is propaganda.



Of course, the spectacular rebound in equity prices has been driven, at least in part, by a massive increase in fiscal spending by governments, combined with a reduction of interest rates and the implementation of even more aggressive asset purchase programmes by their beneficent central banks. Now that economies are beginning to reopen, however, fiscal spending is likely to moderate. Also, the spectre of consumer price inflation has reared its ugly head for the first time in a generation, prompting markets to ponder the prospect of central bank tapering of quantitative easing.


[The government’s anti-COVID19 measures] are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous […] The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society.


Where The Virus Replicates

The special thing is that Sars-CoV-2 replicates in the upper throat area and is therefore much more infectious because the virus jumps from throat to throat, so to speak. But that is also an advantage: Because Sars-1 replicates in the deep lungs, it is not so infectious, but it definitely gets on the lungs, which makes it more dangerous.

A More Reasonable Strategy

T]he best alternative will probably entail letting those at low risk for serious disease continue to work, keep business and manufacturing operating, and “run” society, while at the same time advising higher-risk individuals to protect themselves through physical distancing and ramping up our health-care capacity as aggressively as possible.


Reference #11: Article Titled:

How There Was Never Evidence that Lockdowns Work to Combat Viruses

The lockdowns were strongly based upon an erroneous forecast model of forecast deaths that was funded by Bill Gates. This article explains how the previous scientific literature on dealing with viruses was to keep societies open.








Tanzanian President John Magufuli may have been a victim of his own refusal to acknowledge the presence and seriousness of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

In June, Magufuli declared that “the corona disease has been eliminated by God”, leaving Tanzania “coronavirus-free”. The government stopped publishing data on case numbers, while disease surveillance and advocacy wound down.











Reference #12: Article Titled:

How Effective is Ivermectin Versus the Pfizer and Moderna Corona Vaccines?

Ivermectin turns out to be far more effective against covid than the mRNA vaccines.














In summary, although WHO’s analysis predicts that over 2 million fewer people would be dead if ivermectin was used from early in the pandemic, they recommend against use outside trials. This appears to be based primarily on excluding the majority of the evidence, and by assigning bias estimates that do not match the actual risk of bias in studies.

Use early in the pandemic was proposed by Kitasato University including the co-discoverer of ivermectin, Dr. Satoshi Ōmura. They requested Merck conduct clinical trials of ivermectin for COVID-19 in Japan, because Merck has priority to submit an application for an expansion of ivermectinʼs indications. Merck declined [Yagisawa].











Studies have shown its effect on inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells, as well as regulating glucose and cholesterol in animals. Despite diverse effects of this medication, many of its underlying mechanisms are not yet known [4]. Of note, some of these effects may be secondary to toxic effects on cells (Fig. 1).






Reference #13: Article Titled:

How Low Are the FDA’s Standards of Evidence for New Drug Approval?

They can barely be any lower. The FDA ignores highly effective natural treatments, extends patents on drugs that should not be on patent, approves deadly and useless drugs, and is filled with financial conflicts.









Reference #14: Article Titled:

How the Media Chose to Smear Indonesia for Using Ivermectin for Coronavirus

In order to help promote the sale of ineffective and unsafe vaccines, the pharmaceutical company aligned western media have pilloried Indonesia for daring to do use Ivermectin instead of relying upon vaccines. Indonesia has also done enormously better than western countries following this strategy.




Reference #15: Article Titled:

How Happy Are Fauci’s Pharma Friends That He Funded Gain of Function Research?

The answer is very happy indeed. It has netted them hundreds of billions of dollars for vaccines that do not work. Big Tech also has greatly benefited from the shutdowns, as have the ultra-wealthy. All of these people owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Fauci.




The Lancet was coincidentally the same medical journal that published the fraudulent study that “killed” hydroxychloroquine. So it was pretty convenient for eliminating a competing treatment; however, the study provided fake data to imply HCQ was dangerous and was later retracted in shame. Causing the publishing of phony research speaks to the power and reach of Big Pharma and Big Regulators.  This paper tarnished both Lancet and lead author Mandeep Mehra, but only after HCQ was dealt a death blow.








Reference #16: Article Titled:

How The US, China, The NIH And Dr. Fauci Promulgated The Coronavirus

The covid virus was designed by the Wuhan Institute of Virology. There is also a very good chance the US funders wanted it to escape as the NIH and CDC have desired a pandemic for many decades.
















Reference #17: Article Titled:

How The Flatten the Curve Argument For Lockdowns Always Contained False Assumptions

The concept of flattening the curve turned out to be a scam to get countries to lockdown.


Reference #18: Article Titled:

Why Did the Pentagon and USAID Fund Gain of Function Research?

Incontrovertible evidence came out in the form of emails that show the cover-up by Fauci and the NIH of the lab leak.


Reference #20: Article Titled:

Highlights From The House of Foreign Affairs Report on The Origin of The Coronavirus 

The House on Foreign Affairs produced a report that concluded covid escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The establishment media promptly suppressed this report.




mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine to protect against infectious diseases. To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.




Two of the COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency use authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration use mRNA, or messenger RNA, to instruct your body to build the coronavirus’ spike protein. Your body then produces antibodies to combat the coronavirus when it encounters it later.

mRNA is very fragile, and it’s very quickly degraded once inside the body. That’s one of the reasons why these vaccines must be so carefully preserved at very low temperatures and why you need two doses.



Reference #21: Article Titled:

How Effective Are Masks in Reducing the Spread of the Coronavirus?

Masks do not reduce the spread of covid, while they were widespread in their application. The health authorities ignored the scientific literature on viruses.







Reference #22: Article Titled:

How Peter Daszak Is Most Likely an Agent of the Chinese CCP

Peter Dazak is a corrupt friend of Fauci and the NIH who funneled money to the Wuhan Institute of Technology that was a critical step in creating the pandemic that was desired by the NIH, CDC, WHO, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.







Reference #23: Article Titled:

Why Did Dr. Shi and the Wuhan Institute of Virology Hide the Precursor to SARS-CoV-2

Dr. Shi was the leader of the gain of function research at the WIV. She deliberately hid the truth regarding the precursor to covid.



Reference #24a & 24b & 24c: Article Titled:

How Effective Are The Covid 19 Vaccines?

How The Endpoint of the Covid Vaccine FDA Studies Was Rigged by Pharma Companies

How The FDA Did Nothing to Verify the Long Term Safety Of The Covid Vaccines

The covid vaccines were lied about by Pfizer and Moderna, and the FDA approved vaccines that never showed any evidence of working.























Reference #25 & #26: Article Titled:

How Covid 19 Mortality Rate Was Irresponsibly Exaggerated

How Heath Authorities And The Media Lied About Covid Deaths And Comorbidities

To create a pandemic, it was necessary to exaggerate the mortality rate from covid. It turns out that none of the statistics on covid mortality are remotely accurate.


























Reference #26: Article Titled:

How Pharma and Media Lied About Covid Risks to Children for Maximum Profits

Pharmaceutical companies and the establishment media lies to the public about the actual risks to children of covid. This pushed parents to get their children vaccinated which put children at great risk, with no corresponding benefit.


Reference #27: Article Titled:

How Delta Variant Cases Were Deliberately Exaggerated to Promote Vaccination?

The Delta variant was latched onto by the health authorities and by the establishment media and exaggerated in order to promote vaccination.










Reference #28: Article Titled:

What Who is Dying from the Coronavirus Tells Us







Reference #29: Article Titled:

Were Covid Patients Put on Ventilators to Maximize Hospital Profits?

Covid patients were placed on ventilators which did not help most people that were placed on them and killed a significant number of them.





Reference #30: Article Titled:

How the US Government Allowed Big Pharma to Price Gouge the World with Covid Vaccines

The US government allowed pharmaceutical companies to charge exorbitant prices to world governments for the vaccines.










Reference #31a and 31b and 31c and 31d and 31e and 31f and 31g and 31h and 31i and 31j: Articles Titled:

How Safe Are The Covid 19 Vaccines?

The Problem With mRNA Vaccines

How The CDC Rigged the Count of Adverse Reactions From The Covid Vaccines With A 14 Day Lag

The FDA, CDC and NIH Do Not Want Adverse Drug Reactions Counted

If The Covid Vaccines Are Safe Why Did The FDA And Drug Companies Ask for 75 Years To Produce Documents on Them?

How The Covid Vaccines Damage The Body

How Google Facebook and Twitter Censored Accurate Information on Covid to Promote The Vaccines

The Constant Covid Vaccine Manufacturing Quality Problems

How The FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization Testing Protocols For Covid Vaccines Are Secret

The covid vaccines are not safe, and this has become increasingly clear as the vaccines have been rolled out. A major problem is that they are based upon mRNA technology which is highly experimental.







































Reference #32: Article Titled:

How Both The FDA And The European Medicine Agency Are Controlled By Pharmaceutical Companies


Reference #33: Article Titled:

Understanding the How PCR Test Was Never a Reliable Covid Test

Asymptomatic carriers do not transmit the covid virus, primarily because they do not have coughs, sneezing, etc. However, in order to create motivation to receive vaccinations, pharmaceutical companies and the establishment media lied to the public about asymptomatic transmission.





Reference #35: Article Titled:

How Influenza Cases Were Recategorized as Covid Cases

Influenza cases were virtually eliminated, and those cases were categorized as covid cases.













Reference #36: Article Titled:

Did The US Mortality Rate Increase in 2020 and 2021?

The information covid deaths were greatly exaggerated, therefore the question is whether the mortality rate increased in 2020 due to 2021.






Reference #37: Article Titled:

How the Media Chose to Smear Bulgaria for Not Being Highly Vaccinated

Bulgaria was not on board with the directives of the western establishment media, and therefore they heavily smeared Bulgaria.


Reference #38: Article Titled:

The False Information From the Establishment Medical Articles on Covid


Reference #39: Article Titled:

How to Use Ivermectin or Protect Against the Covid Vaccines

Ivermectin can be used not only to fight covid but also the covid vaccines. This article covers how to access Ivermectin.






Reference #40: Article Titled:

Biased Fact Checking from USA Today on Claims Against Pfizer

USA Today provides continual false fact-checking that support the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical companies.



Reference #42: Article Titled:

How the Media Lied About Japan Not Using Ivermectin for Coronavirus

Japan has been highly successful in using Ivermectin versus covid. However, the establishment media has covered this up in order to maximize the revenues of pharmaceutical companies.



Reference #42: Article Titled:

How Safe Are the Vaccines VS Ivermectin and Remdesivir?

This is a comparison of the safety of the vaccines, Ivermectin and Remdesivir using the WHO’s database of adverse reactions and studies into Remdesivir.


Whose Interests do Public Health Officials Represent?






Reference #43: Article Titled:

The Disgusting and Demented Logic and Lies on the Pricing of Remdesivir

Remdesivir has been priced to a ridiculous price gouging level by Gilded Sciences. This article describes the logic of this pricing.





Reference #44: Article Titled:

How Gilead Brought Off the NIH’s Support of Remdesivir

The NIH was very supportive of Gilead Science’s ineffective and highly dangerous drug Remdesivir because Gilead Sciences bought off the top officials at the NIH.





















Reference #45: Article Titled:

The Medical Establishment Resents People Checking Covid Adverse Reactions in VAERS

The VAERS adverse reaction database is public and paid for by the government. However, the medical establishment does not want the public to be reading or using the information in VAERS.





Reference #46: Article Titled:

What Has Ignorance and Lies by MDs on Covid Treatments Done to Medical Trust?

The covid PCR test never worked, and the CDC, FDA lied about its ability to detect covid, creating massive numbers of false positives. In order to cover up the sunsetting of this ineffective test, USA Today created a fact check article that lied about the nature of the test.



Reference #48: Article Titled:

How the Fake Covid Fact Checker Reuters Does Not Disclose Pfizer Financial Connections

Reuters performs fact checks on covid topics, but it does not disclose its financial connections Pfizer. Reuters rigs its fact checks the same way that Pfizer rigs ists pharma studies.







Reference #49: Article Titled:

Pandemic In A Box: The Specific Steps Used to Create the Covid Pandemic

The pandemic was planned by health authorities and entities like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This article describes how to create a fake pandemic.

*Whose Interests do Public Health Officials Represent?


Reference #50: Article Titled:

The US Covid Treatment Protocol Maximized Hospital Admissions and Deaths

The US covid treatment protocol almost appears designed to maximise hospital admissions and deaths. This article explains the unsupported logic of the protocol.













Reference #51: Article Titled:

PCR Test Problems: How There is Often No Live Virus Found Below 24 Cycles

Below 24 cycles, it is often the case that a positive covid test result will have no live virus.








Reference #52: Article Titled:

Why Not Use Omicron to Inoculate the Population Without Vaccines?

Omicron can be used to inoculate the population without using the dangerous vaccines and will provide true immunity rather than fake immunity.


Reference #53: Article Titled:

How The Covid Vaccines Do Nothing to Limit the Spread of Covid

Covid vaccines do not do anything to limit the spread of covid, and this was lied about by pharmaceutical companies and the establishment media.





Reference #54: Article Titled:

Why Is There Such a Problem Isolating The Covid Virus?

After two years of the covid pandemic, no one has provided an isolated and purified covid virus. One should ask the question, why is it so difficult to isolate covid?







Reference #55: Article Titled:

How The NIH Maximizes Covid Hospitalizations By Not Recommending Anti-Inflammatories

The NIH covid treatment protocol provides for the administration of anti-inflammatory, but only after hospitalization. However, this article asks the question, why anti-inflammatories are not prescribed on an outpatient basis.





Reference #56 & #57: Article Titled:

How Tanzania’s Magufuli Figured Out The PRC Test Is Fake

Was Tanzania’s Magufuli Killed Because He Showed The PRC Test Is Fake?

Tanzania’s Magufuli figured and went public on the fact that Tanzania tested even fruits and trees for covid and these items came back as covid positive.





Reference #58: Article Titled:

How The Average Age of Mortality from Covid is 81.5




*Missing Mercola quote link.

Reference #59a and #69b and # 59c: Article Titled:

How Covid Vaccine Manufacturers Used the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization to Unblind Their Studies

How The FDA Ignored Their Committee Recommendations On the Covid Vaccine Studies

How Emergency Use Authorization For The Covid Vaccines Is A Get Out Of Jail Free Card For the FDA



Reference #60: Article Titled:

How The Fake Progressive Media Gaslit The Public On The Dangers of Covid Hospitalization Protocols And Deaths


Reference #61a & 61b: Article Titled:

How The US Medical Establishment Violated Informed Consent and Coerced Covid Vaccination

How The NIH And Hospitals Used Remdesivir To Quickly Kill Covid Patients

