Discover SAP SCM
The book is titled Discover SAP SCM and is published by SAP Press. It provides an overview of the entire SAP SCM suite and is a good book for those new to SCM, for those who work in SCM, but looking to get a broader view. It is also useful for decision makers as a guide for which specific modules in SCM offer their companies the highest opportunity. It includes an overview of all the modules in SCM, but also chapters on how SCM has developed as of 7.0 and frank coverage of topics related how to get more value from SCM and how to perform ROI analysis on prospective SCM projects.
See the link below for details.
- Executive decision makers considering SAP SCM
- Consultants working on SAP SCM implementations
- Employees working at companies that are about to implement SAP SCM.
- Employee working at companies that have implemented SAP SCM and that are either new to the software, or where their company is planning to expand the SCM implementation footprint.
Note on the new Brightwork Research & Analysis books: Both of these books have taken longer to get “out the door” than I anticipated. However, as of 1/30/2012 both have been through the final edits. So publication should not be that far off.
Inventory Optimization and Multi Echelon Software
This books explains the emerging technology of inventory optimization and multi echelon (MEIO) supply planning. The book describes with text and graphics how inventory optimization allows the entire supply plan to be controlled with service levels, and how multi echelon technology answers the question of where to locate inventory in the supply network. The only book on inventory optimization and multi echelon planning which compares how different best of breed vendors apply MEIO technology to their products, it also explains why this technology is so important for supply planning and why companies should be actively investigating this approach.
Screenshots and examples from MCA Solutions, ToolsGroup, Logility and SmartOps
Soon to be published
Supply Planning with MRP, DRP and APS Software
This books focuses on three major modalities of supply planning. Designed for practitioners, the book specifically explains how each of them work, and delineates the differences between them. It explains their conceptual underpinnings and then reinforces the concepts with explanations of how each modality is expressed in different vendors’ applications. The book also makes use of significant graphics to explain concepts. It is one of the few supply planning books which is provides a comparative analysis of supply planning with different applications.
Screenshots and examples from SAP and DemandWorks.
Soon to be published