Search Results for: hana

The Top Purchase Order Software Analysis Complications

Executive Summary Purchase order software analysis is often a process that just declares the company is ready for a procurement system. This article explains the top complications when trying to obtain an unbiased outcome. Introduction Procurement software analysis is fraught with complications. In this article, we cover these complications and how we surmount them. Our…

The Top Coupa Software Analysis Complications

Executive Summary Purchasing software analysis is often a process that just declares the company is ready for a purchasing system. This article explains the top complications when trying to obtain an unbiased outcome. Introduction Procurement software analysis is fraught with complications. Procurement applications like Coupa software that have partnerships create an extra complication in terms…

The Top Purchasing Software Analysis Complications

Executive Summary Purchasing software analysis is often a process that just declares the company is ready for a purchasing system. This article explains the top complications when trying to obtain an unbiased outcome. Introduction Procurement software analysis is fraught with complications. In this article, we cover these complications and how we surmount them. Our References…

The Top Procurement Software Analysis Complications

Executive Summary Procurement software analysis is often a process that just declares the company is ready for a procurement system. This article explains the top complications when trying to obtain an unbiased outcome. Introduction Procurement software analysis is fraught with complications. In this article, we cover these complications and how we surmount them. Our References…

Who Are Gartner’s Competitors in the IT Analyst Space?

Executive Summary Sometimes, lists of Gartner competitors are published. We question the validity of the idea of Gartner’s competitors. Introduction Sometimes the question is raised as to who Gartner’s competitors are. Generally, people are quick to begin listing IT and other companies and analysts. However, the answer to the question is not as straightforward as…

The Advisory Model: How Consulting and Advisory Firms Sell Out The Interests of Their Clients

Executive Summary All consulting and advisory firms of any size sell out the interests of their clients for what is good for them. This method and how it is hidden are covered in this article. Introduction Advisory companies sell out the interests of their clients for their own company benefits. For this reason, it is…

References for Brightwork Articles on Coding and Development

Executive Summary These are the references that were used for our SAP Hasso Plattner articles. Learn why so few entities in the IT space include references in their work.  Introduction This is the reference list for the Hasso Plattner articles, as well as interesting quotes from these references at Brightwork Research & Analysis. Reference #1:…

References for Brightwork Articles on Hasso Plattner

Executive Summary These are the references that were used for our SAP Hasso Plattner articles. Learn why so few entities in the IT space include references in their work.  Introduction This is the reference list for the Hasso Plattner articles, as well as interesting quotes from these references at Brightwork Research & Analysis. Reference #1:…

References for Brightwork Articles on SAP Position Analysis

Executive Summary These are the references that were used for our SAP position analysis articles. Learn why so few entities in the IT space include references in their work.  Introduction This is the reference list for the SAP position analysis articles, as well as interesting quotes from these references at Brightwork Research & Analysis. Reference…

References for Brightwork SAP and Wall Street

Executive Summary These are the references that were used for our SAP and Wall Street articles. Learn why so few entities in the IT space include references in their work.  Introduction This is the reference list for the SAP and Wall Street articles, as well as interesting quotes from these references at Brightwork Research &…