Search Results for: hana

Analysis of E3 Magazine’s Diversity is the Way to Go Database Article

Executive Summary E3 Magazine proposes that diversity is the way to go with databases. We evaluate the accuracy of this article. Introduction In Mat, 2017, e3zine produced the document titled Diversity is the Way to Go. In this article, we will evaluate the accuracy of this e3zine article. Our References for This Article If you…

Analysis of Snow Software on Determining SAP Indirect Access Exposure

Executive Summary SAM software helps software companies manage their licenses and control predation on the part of software vendors. Indirect access, but type 2 indirect access, is a type of license control enforced by SAP. Introduction This article will analyze Snow Software’s article on whether it is possible to determine your internet access exposure. Article…

Whatever Happened to the SAP and Apple Partnership?

 Executive Summary Fortune wrote an article on the SAP and Apple partnership. We review the accuracy of Fortune. Video Introduction: Whatever Happened to the SAP and Apple Partnership? Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) On May 05, 2016, Fortune published the article Apple and SAP Team Up for Blockbuster Partnership. You will see…

Brightwork Analysis of SAP’s 2017 White Paper on Indirect Access

Executive Summary SAP’s produced a highly misleading 2017 white paper on indirect access. In the white paper, SAP introduced a new policy for SAP ECC customers and S/4HANA. We analyze SAP’s proposal regarding indirect static read scenarios and Order-to-Cash (O2C) and Procure-to-Pay (P2P). Video Introduction: Brightwork Analysis of SAP’s 2017 White Paper on Indirect Access…

What Wall Street Does Not Understand About SaaS

Executive Summary Wall Street continually pushes companies to be Cloud, but without understanding how cloud revenues work. We cover what Wall Street is missing in their analysis. Introduction This article will cover Wall Street’s perspective on SaaS and what the real story is with the shift in the commercial software market. What Wall Street Interprets…

How to Best Understand Forrester’s Crazy Big Data Warehouse Rankings

Executive Summary Forrester has one of the most insane Big Data or data warehouse rankings (we can’t tell which) that we have ever seen. Reviewing this ranking is its form of comedy and indicator of how little Forrester knows about the topic. Introduction In Forrester’s “Big Data Warehouse” 2017 ranking, Forrester made some peculiar decisions related…

How Many SAP Software Products Does SAP Have?

Executive Summary SAP has an enormous product database of software. We count and categorize the SAP software product database by how active or popular each of the SAP products is. Introduction At Brightwork Research & Analysis, we spend many hours per week researching SAP. However, it is a full-time job keeping up with SAP’s products…

How Accurate Was Snow Software on their Optimizer for SAP?

Executive Summary Snow Software covers topics related to SAP indirect access and how to minimize the ongoing SAP licensing overhead. In this article, we evaluate Snow’s article for accuracy. Introduction In this article, we will focus on Snow Software’s media output on SAP indirect access. SNOW OPTIMIZER FOR SAP SOFTWARE AT A GLANCE “View consolidated…

Publishing Accurate Information Versus SAP & Libel and Defamation

Executive Summary This article covers the rules around libel and defamation. Getting the word out to media entities. Introduction One of the questions I receive is whether Brightwork is concerned about receiving a cease and desist letter from SAP. This question is asked because at Brightwork Research & Analysis writes objective and information that is…