The Brightwork Fenbendazole Dosage Guide

Executive Summary

  • This article covers the factors that play into developing a recommended dosage of Fenbendazole recommended dose.

Article Summary

This article covers the appropriate Fenbendazole dosage, how health authorities are aligned against Fenbendazole, whether there are specific dosages for different cancers and Fenbendazole’s benefits.


We get many questions on Fenbendazole dosage. In this article, we will cover the dosage of Fenbendazole for humans.

The Complications Of Arriving at a Fenbendazole Dosage

The problem is that there are questions on dosage for many applications for which Fenbendazole can be used.

Why The FDA Has Only Approved of Fenbendazole as an Anti-Parasitic

The FDA only approves Fenbendazole as an anti-parasitical and has been used for over 50 years. But it is unlikely any pharmaceutical company will ever go to the expense to perform a clinical trial on Fenbendazole for cancer, as there are no profits to be made from such an endeavor — unless they can patent a derivative of the family — which is called antihelmintic benzimidazoles.

What About a Different and Specific Dosage for Cancer?

One subscriber commented that they expected a specific dosage for cancer. We developed an overall dosage that covers the various cancers. The dosage calculator on this page incorporates multiple studies on cancer. However, because Fenbendazole is good for so many things — immunomodulation as one example (covered in the article How Fenbendazole Improves the Immune Response by Acting as an Immunomodulator)– which is part of its impact on cancer.

Fenbendazole as an Immunomodulator

Immunomodulation supports the overall immune system and immune response. This is also only one of the ways that Fenbendazole works against cancer, as covered in the article By How Many Different Mechanisms Does Fenbendazole Fight Cancer?

Given all of this, it’s difficult to separate the benefit of Fenbendazole only for cancer and to say there should be a dosage specific to cancer prevention and treatment if we find studies that provide new information related to Fenbendazole and cancer that change this.

In that case, we will modify our recommended dosage and then break it into multiple dosage recommendations.

  • This is an important insight related to the topic of using Fenbendazole.
  • Fenbendazole should not be considered a treatment that does just one thing.

How the Usage of Fenbendazole Tends to Expand the More You Know About It

For example, I started taking Fenbendazole to fight the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine, which I was essentially coerced into accepting. However, as I expanded my research into Fenbendazole, I realized it is a jack-of-all-trades treatment.

How Much Leeway Do Oncologists Have in Treating and Education?

Even cancer-treating MDs themselves have only limited information about the interaction between standard cancer treatments and the immune system — as they have been told to give treatments by the medical schools and medical authorities — both of which are filled to the brim with financial conflicts from chemotherapy drug manufacturers and radiological equipment manufacturers. Necessarily, MDs focusing on the immune system would deemphasize the standard cancer treatments, which is unacceptable to their employers.

More About The C19Early Clinical Trial Comparison Website

The website tracks clinical trials. It is the best source of information on the studies of the effectiveness based upon clinical trials of different treatments for covid. However, it is more than this - as it is a model for how clinical trials should be communicated to the public so the extraordinarily corrupt medical establishment does not control the information. And it is the website that the medical establishment would like banned from the Internet.

One of the things the C19Early website showed was that early treatment significantly impacted the outcomes against covid.

The Benefit of Early Treatment

Notice that the earlier the treatment is used, the better the outcomes. Naturally, early treatment is measured in days with a respiratory disease like COVID-19, while in months with a disease like cancer. So the timings are different, but the principle is the same. 

Even though this website does not track cancer clinical trials (unfortunately, no website does), the site holds essential observations. For one, a person's response to covid is like their response to cancer, greatly dependent upon the strength and health of their immune system.

Things like Zinc, Ivermectin, and Fenbendazole all empower the immune system and are, therefore, effective in the treatment and prevention of both COVID and cancer. 

Offering Cancer Prevention as Well as Treatment

What is better than treatment is prevention. For anyone who is concerned with cancer prevention, both a very healthy lifestyle and diet, as well as things like Ivermectin and or Fenbendazole, are things that can be taken both as a treatment and as a preventative. We cover all these topics and the supporting specifics on our subscription website. 

Our Recommended Source of Supply

Our approved source for Febendazole and Mebendazole is Summit Products. This source makes Ivermectin much easier to obtain, and Summit Products developed that subsite only to sell the Ivermectin that passed our bioequivalence testing. (which you can read about here)