The Brightwork Mebendazole Cancer Treatment Approach

Executive Summary

  • Mebendazole is an effective cancer treatment.
  • This article covers the Brightwork Mebendazole cancer treatment approach.


Mebendazole can be used to improve cancer outcomes, and it is part of our Mebendazole cancer protocol.

The Mebendazole Cancer Protocol

Our cancer protocol, which you can see in this article The Brightwork Research Cancer Protocol, includes Fenbendazole or Mebendazole. There is also the option of doing both Fenbendazole and Mebendazole while adjusting the dosages, as I cover in the article What is the Appropriate Dosage When Taking Both Fenbendazole and Mebendazole.

The Popularity of Mebendazole Cancer Treatment

Mebendazole has a large amount of research studies for its use against cancer. However, it is far less well known than its cousin drug Fenbendazole. Fenbendazole is also much more commonly used in veterinary medicine, and for example, Panacure, the top-selling antiparasitic brand for dogs, is actually just a brand name for Fenbendazole, which Merck makes.

How Fenbendazole Became The Best Know of Benzimidazole Anthelmintics

There are many drugs in the same family as Mebendazole, such as Fenbendazole and Albendazole — in addition to many others. So a natural question is why is Fenbendazole the best known of these different drugs. Indeed, a significant factor was that Joe Tippins popularized the use of Panacure and, therefore, Fenbendazole when he stated that he had great success with this drug. The amazing thing about this is that Joe Tippins is just one person, however, using the leverage of social media, his story made a major impact on the conversation around these drugs.

While significantly lesser known, Mebendazole cancer treatment has a similar amount of studies on cancer treatment, but it is far less well known. There are important differences between Mebendazole and Fenbendazole, which is that Mebendazole crosses the blood barrier, which I cover in the article Answering the Question of Fenbendazole’s Safety.

Antiparasitic Drugs Versus Cancer

This is one of the few videos on YouTube about Mebendazole.

This video does a good job of explaining the status of testing of a number of drugs in this category versus cancer.

Oncologists and Mebendazole?

This MD’s name is  Dr. Igor Atabekov. He states he is an oncologist. It is not surprising that when I looked up details about him, I found he was based out of the Philippines. This is because it is extremely rare for US oncologists to either..

  • a) know anything about Mebendazole, or
  • b) recommend Mebendazole.
  • Any oncologist working at a US cancer center who did so would quickly get into trouble with the cancer center’s administration.

All of the conventional cancer treatments (chemotherapy, surgery, immunotherapy, cancer hormone therapy, and radiotherapy) are extremely expensive and high in profits. This is why cancer centers and oncologists in the US do not care about Mebendazole.


Mebendazole cancer treatment is very similar in effectiveness to Fenbendazole cancer treatment. We cover the use of both at our website and include both in our cancer protocol.