The Brightwork SAP Bribery Tracker Per Country

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Executive Summary

  • SAP has several international bribery cases.
  • This table was created to keep these bribery cases and to catalog likely future SAP bribery cases.


At Brightwork Research & Analysis, we have long held that SAP is a highly corrupt company, and its rise had much more to do with its ability to corrupt other entities in IT than anything to do with its technology.

Soft Versus Hard Corruption

Internationally “soft corruption” is a daily activity with SAP. For example, SAP applications are recommended for the only reason that it is profit-maximizing for SAP consulting companies, even though it is infrequent that an SAP application can meet its sales conjectures. SAP has some of the lowest success levels of any software vendor. SAP partners repeat any falsehood proposed by SAP and work against the interests of their “clients,” as we cover in the article What is the Real Story with SAP’s Run Simple? 

This table only catalogs the “hard corruption.”

SAP Bribery Cases Per Country

Tracking SAP's bribery cases.
Bribery CaseCountryDescription
Various Panamanian government contracts
"Vicente Garcia, SAP International’s former vice president of global and strategic accounts. now sits in a federal prison serving a 22-month sentence for bribing foreign officials. Garcia pled guilty to one count under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in August 2015 for bribing Panamanian government officials in a successful attempt to win large software contracts for SAP."
SAP is accused of using its partners in Kenya to pay off companies in order to obtain contracts from The Tanzanian Port Authority.
Tanzania Port Authority
SAP is accused of using its partners in Tanzania to pay off companies in order to obtain contracts from The Tanzanian Port Authority.
The Guptas Scandal
South Africa
SAP is accused of using its partners in South Africa to pay off Gupta companies in order to obtain contracts from Eskom and South Africa Rail, which we covered in the article How Deloitte, McKinsey, the Guptas and SAP Ripped Off Eskom


Overall, in our estimation, “soft corruption” far exceeds the “hard corruption” that is listed in the table above.

Hard corruption makes the headlines because it is explicitly illegal. However, soft corruption is a far more significant issue with SAP, and it is accepted as merely a natural part of IT.
