The False Assumption of How Long Does it Take for Remeron to Work
Executive Summary
- Many people take antidepressants and do not feel any different.
- This raises the question of how long they take to work, which is the problem addressed in this article.

The medical establishment has made enormous sums of money from SSRIs, the dominant category of antidepressants. Research published in the journal Nature now shows that the hypothesis of how SSRIs (SARIs are very similar to SSRIs) to work cannot reduce depression.
This article covers how the pharmaceutical companies and medical authorities gaslight patients who will not benefit from SSRIs by telling them that it just takes a while for them to work.
How Long Does it Take Remeron to Work?
This video makes a number of false claims, in particular, that SSRIs are effective against depression. One true statement is that a rise in serotonin caused by SSRIs does not correspond with elevation in mood — however, further research has shown that there is no relationship between serotonin level and depression — which is the foundational hypothesis of SSRIs. This video brings up a bunch of explanations that are really only hypothesis, and are a type of cover story for why SSRIs don’t work at all.
Even The Most Major Depressives Only Show Benefits Over Placebo for a 2 Month Duration
As for the duration of use of SSRIs, analysis of many SSRI studies, which is found in the study Effectiveness of antidepressants: an evidence myth constructed from a thousand randomized trials?, including even those with significant or major depression only potentially benefit from SSRIs in the short term (two months).
- That is not the prescription term recommended by the pharmaceutical industry and MDs.
- This also contradicts the information that SSRIs take around a month to increase serotonin levels.
- Pharmaceutical companies have developed the desired state of long-term users of their SSRIs.
This is just the introduction to the article. The full article on how long it takes these drugs to work, within which is the question of how long does it take Remeron to work is at our subscription site, which covers this and many other medical topics.