The Ivermectin Human Dose Guide

Executive Summary

  • This article covers the factors we incorporated into developing our recommended Ivermectin human dose calculator.

Article Summary

This article covers the appropriate Ivermectin dosage in humans, how health authorities are aligned against Ivermectin, whether specific dosages exist for different cancers, and Ivermectin’s benefits.


We get many questions on the topic of Ivermectin human dose.

Developing an Ivermectin Dosage for Humans

We have developed different Ivermectin dosage calculators for different ailments (cancer, blood thinning, autoimmune disorders, covid vaccine treatment, etc.) for which Ivermectin can be used. Here are the important features of our Ivermectin calculators.

What About a Different and Specific Human Dose for Cancer?

Yes, our calculator provides different dosages for different cancer types, which you can read at the article Is There a Best Ivermectin Dosage for Cancers or Different Cancer Types?

The dosage calculation incorporates multiple studies on cancer. However, because Ivermectin is good for so many things — immunomodulation as one example (which is covered in the article How Ivermectin Improves the Immune Response by Acting as an Immunomodulator)(Subscription Required) — which is part of its impact on cancer.

Ivermectin as an Immunomodulator

But, of course, immunomodulation supports the overall immune system and immune response. This is also only one of the ways that Ivermectin works against cancer, as covered in the article By How Many Different Mechanisms Does Ivermectin Fight Cancer? Given all of this, it’s difficult to separate the benefit of Ivermectin only for cancer and to say there should be an Ivermectin dosage for humans specific to cancer prevention and treatment. If we find studies that are performed that provide new information related to Ivermectin and cancer, that changes this. In that case, we will modify our recommended dosage and then break it into multiple dosage recommendations.

  • This is an important insight related to the topic of using Ivermectin.
  • Ivermectin should not be considered a treatment that does just one thing.

How the Potential Beneficial Use of Ivermectin Tends to Expand the More You Know About It

For example, I started off taking Ivermectin to fight the impact of the covid vaccine that I was essentially coerced into taking. However, as I expanded my research into Ivermectin, I realized that Ivermectin is a Jack-of-all-Trades treatment.

At our subscription site, we cover all the different ways Ivermectin works against cancer.

Other Things Ivermectin Does

So, while Ivermectin fights the spike protein from the mRNA vaccines, it does many other things in the body. And this leads to the next point and common question.

This is emphasized by the quote from the FLCCC Alliance on the topic.

In addition to being an effective, broad-spectrum anti-parasitic, many healthcare professionals have been using ivermectin for decades to treat a variety of other diseases.

“Few, if any, other drugs can rival ivermectin for its beneficial impact on human health and welfare,” wrote Andy Crump in The Journal of Antibiotics in 2017.

Crump worked with Satoshi Ōmura, the Japanese microbiologist responsible for discovering ivermectin, for decades.

This was an entirely unremarkable and widely accepted statement back in 2017.

The covid pandemic made what was a previously widely accepted statement controversial. And this leads to the next point and common question.

How Much Focus Do Oncologists Place on the Immune System?

Even cancer-treating MDs themselves have only limited information about the interaction between standard cancer treatments and the immune system -- as they have been told to give treatments by the medical schools and medical authorities. However, both are filled to the absolute heights with financial conflicts from chemotherapy drug manufacturers and radiological equipment manufacturers. Necessarily, MDs focusing on the immune system would deemphasize the standard cancer treatments, which is unacceptable to their employers.

I have reviewed the medical advice provided by medical authorities ranging from the CDC to hospitals to private practice MDs. What I have found is an unsupportable underemphasis on the immune system and optimizing the immune system. 

This is also not exclusive to the coverage of cancer. An excellent example is explained in the article A Comparison of How Much Effort the CDC Puts Into Immunity Versus Vaccines.

Neither cancer treatment nor virology emphasizes the immune system because the immune system is something people already have and can be enhanced with inexpensive items. For example, Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN asked about natural immunity, a part of elementary virology; Dr. Fauci said he "did not have a good answer on the topic," which meant that even a person with natural immunity should get the COVID-19 vaccine. 

Therefore, the medical establishment does not want to emphasize something that, while improving health, would do little for their bottom line. At our site, we do the opposite -- we emphasize the immune system over costly treatments. One of the ways to optimize the immune system is with an immunomodulator like Ivermectin. However, other ways to optimize the immune system are covered on the subscription site. 

Important Characteristics of Ivermectin

Let's review the characteristics of Ivermectin.

  1. It is effective against various ailments in addition to general immunomodulators, which means that it supports a functional immune response, neither reacting too much nor too little to threats to the body.
  2. It is one of the safest drugs available, with roughly 45 years of usage information.
  3. It is inexpensive (if you carefully use the right source, as covered in the article Answering the Question of Where to Get Ivermectin.)

Once you look at the benefits, the question is, why wouldn't one want to take Ivermectin every day?

If one looks at the benefits of immunomodulation and anti-inflammation, they are desirable as endless benefits for long-term health.

  • We have Ivermectin dosage calculators based on research studies and for all the different uses of Ivermectin.
  • We are the only web source offering an Ivermectin dosage calculator in addition to different dosage estimates for different cancer types.
  • All of our calculators are easy to use (see our dosage calculator listing). Each person enters their personalized information into the calculator and receives our recommended extensively researched dosage estimate automatically and immediately calculated.
  • We also cover the broader problems with dosage calculation in medicine at the article The Problem With Dosage Calculation in Medicine, as this is an issue much larger than for one drug. 

About Our Ivermecting Testing Program and Recommended Ivermectin Source of Supply

  • We performed pharmaceutical testing on Ivermectin to find a lower-cost version that also matched Merck's original Ivermectin in bioequivalence.
  • You can read about the details of our Ivermectin testing in this article, Our Ivermectin Bioequivalence Testing.
  • We got Summit Products to carry this version of Ivermectin, which passed our bioequivalence testing.