The Logic for Ignoring Indians That Reach Out to You

Executive Summary

  • Indians frequently contact non-Indians electronically to exploit them.
  • We cover why non-Indians should ignore Indian correspondence.


Complaints about Indian recruiters are now widespread in IT. It is not uncommon for people with marketable IT skills to hear from multiple Indians per day. Indians are a scourge of honest working IT professionals because Indians typically lie to and cheat non-Indian IT professionals. Many domestic IT workers have been turning their backs on Indians who reach out to you.

This article will explain the logic behind this idea.

The Futility of Negotiating With Indians

I have had debates with Indians, and I have found it exceedingly difficult to negotiate with them. They show a strong pattern of doing the following.

  1. Continually lying
  2. Continually making unreasonable assertions. And then try to trick you into thinking it’s “standard and customary.” (like that Indian who tried to trick me into selling Brightwork after 45 minutes of discussion)
  3. Presenting the insulting offer as if it is something you should consider. And then show surprise when you become angry at them.
  4. Masters at gaslighting.
  5. Making terrible offers and not consistent with the market. In all my interactions with Indians, there was no single offer I ever received from an Indian that was reasonable or good for me. It was always one-sided.

Indians have proven so dishonest and so consistent in providing terrible offers that it makes it very easy to stop speaking to them once the pattern becomes apparent.

How I Decided to Cut Indians Out of My Life

When I decided to ignore all Indian emails I received and cut all LinkedIn connections to any Indians — it was easy once I realized that no Indian I had ever met made me a reasonable offer or contributed to my well-being in any way.

How to Implement the Approach

We received this message from our comment bubble on the website.

“Message: Hi, I wanted to understand how we can connect or how I can request an analyst briefing for DronaHQ (
Gayatri (”

This software vendor wants me to watch their demo and publish an article about their software.

We don’t do that, but I noticed the name. That is an Indian name. From my experience, I predict that Brightwork would get nothing out of responding except waste time. This individual wastes my time, asks for free stuff, does the typical “Indian dance,” etc..

So by looking at a person’s name to see if it is Indian, I save myself time.

Is It Important to Reply to Indians to Say You Are Not Interested?

A natural question would be, should I answer this Indian’s email and tell him I am uninterested?

Good question, right?

Isn’t it the polite thing to do?

My answer is no. Indians do not deserve politeness from you or me (if you are not Indian) as they are not themselves civilized and mean to harm or otherwise exploit me (and you).

Politeness is based on an expectation, shared understanding, or agreement on morals and mores. We are not polite to muggers or people who come up and assault us. Indians use manipulative tactics to take advantage of other people.

So, this email I received will go unanswered. If I answer, then I tie up my time, and it will be just more Indian bullshit. I would not know what part they say is likely true or false. Indian culture is highly entitled, so they may think they have a God-given right to ask for this. However, by not answering the Indians, they are forced to go away.

How to Effectively Deal With Indians

That is part of what my articles are about on this website, that you have to analyze Indians and not treat them like you treat ordinary people, but as people that mean to exploit all of you. Non-Indians have a right to freedom from being exploited by Indians.

How Multinationals Brought in Exploiters from India

When the Indian immigration to the US, Canada, Australia, and the EU began, no one analyzed what the Indians would do to the domestic populations when they arrived. Multinationals brought them over with no concern for the country or the existing domestic population. And now, many European-based countries have growing populations of Indians who are useless to interact with. They cheat the other people in the country by targeting them, targeting their jobs, stealing the experience off of their resumes, manipulating them, etc.


Indian culture is dishonest. The British found this when they first arrived in India, so the British culture did not bring it to India. This is why the best strategy for electronic communication from Indians is to ignore it.

  1. If you are a non-Indian, you cannot benefit from interacting with an Indian.
  2. When you begin interacting, the Indian begins to rig the game against you and in their favor.