The Real Reason Why We Can’t Move to Online Voting

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Executive Summary

  • We have been told that it is not technically feasible to move to online voting.
  • This claim is false, but there is an important reason why online voting is opposed by elites.


One of the defining characteristics of democracies is that they say they are democratic, while not listening to the will of the people. This is explained in the following video.

If the US is democratic, why is there no relationship between what the population supports and what becomes legislation? 

In the US, our voting systems are terrible. The voting machines are closed source and don’t publish accurate information about how the machines work (e.g., Diebold).

We have not figured out online voting; only a small percentage of people vote by mail, making it massively inconvenient, which helps depress the vote. We have cases, such as the election with Debbie Wasserman Shultz, where ballots were destroyed, and nothing happened to her as she was the DNC’s approved candidate. So we don’t even have integrity to our voting systems. This is all while we prance like a peacock about our “democracy.” And this is the preferred democracy for the elites.

We would rather have conventions where people lie and virtue signal for three hours straight — or as has been called a 3-hour long infomercial, rather than focusing on how to reform voting and putting it online.

Nowhere in any of the conventions will any voter learn how easily cheated the US voting system is.

How Voting Schenanigans Supports Faux Democracy

This is further explained by the following quotation.

..there is nothing I see in voting anywhere that can’t be done on a scalable, reliable, secure, distributed database. The shortcomings of voting in any form seem to be ballot box stuffing and voter authentication which unfortunately seems to be paper and people based sometimes leading to voter suppression.

A few years ago we did an electronic voting application for a county in California employing Iris scan identification and a very distributed voting precinct mechanism that basically allowed a voting precinct to be setup almost anywhere. It would have cost the county very little as it utilized existing IT infrastructure and used dumb terminals as voting devices. It was all distributed and the results rolled up from precinct to city or county then to state and potentially nationally. Votes were tabulated instantaneously and because they were in the right database completely tamper proof. People could have voted from anywhere including their home. – Terence Somers


We have online banking – so we seem to be able to master recording transactions through a computer. The results can be verified online.

So why are we pushing off online voting? Well, we are told online voting is a technical impossibility — which one would have to not understand modern computers and software to accept.

Why this has been presented this way to the population is easy to figure out. It would merely allow too much participation and would lead to calls for direct democracy. This is completely unacceptable to elites for whom the only acceptable democracy is faux democracy controlled by big money interests.

Noam Chomsky explains how when there becomes more participation by the masses — that the term “crisis of democracy” is used — which means that marginal public participation is occurring.