Things The Medical Establishment Got and Continues to Get Wrong

Executive Summary

  • Medicine has a long-established pattern of getting things wrong, guiding patients to poor treatments, and suppressing far more effective treatments.


It has been eye-opening to analyze all of the areas of the covid pandemic where the medical establishment provides false information and mislead the public. This brings up the topic of the other regions that have been medical establishment failures. This article is to create a list of these failures.

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Areas of Failure by the Medical Establishment

Area #1: Depression

The medical community has pushed depression diagnosis and anti-depressants for many years. Anti-depressants are blockbuster drugs. A blockbuster drug creates a permanent dependency on the drug. Amazingly, all anti-depressants have no impact on depression and were approved only because the FDA is so corrupt and controlled by pharmaceutical companies.

Area #2: Low Cholesterol

For decades, the medical establishment has proposed that they knew the correct cholesterol level and that those who fall outside their range should be put on statins. However, as time has passed, there is no evidence of the relationship between higher cholesterol and health. This is explained in the following quotations.

Amid the pandemic media storm in January 2021, a study1 published in the journal Atherosclerosis quietly revealed that people taking statin medications had a higher rate of cardiovascular events than those who were not on statins.2

In the study, the researchers separated the participants by assigning them a coronary artery calcium (CAC) score. This is a noninvasive CT scan designed to detect plaque buildup in your coronary arteries. It is also called a cardiac calcium score,3 calcium scan or Agatston score.4

Doctors use this score to calculate your risk of developing coronary artery disease as it measures calcified plaque within the arteries. Data has shown your risk of heart disease correlates with this score. The lower the score, the less likely you are to have a cardiac event when compared against other men and women your age. The score ranges from zero to over 400.5

Despite decades of statin drug use and vilification of saturated fats and cholesterol, heart disease remains the No. 1 cause of death.18 Although the researchers in the featured study do not mention it, their data support past research that shows statins are a colossal waste of money, and likely more.

In 2014, Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., produced a documentary, “Heart of The Matter: Dietary Villains.” The film exposed the myths behind the statin fad and the financial links that drove the industry. It was so thorough that vested interests convinced ABC-TV to rescind the two-part series and got the documentary expunged.

What data have demonstrated is that statin medications are not inert, and in fact can damage your health while not protecting your heart. One of the side effects of lower cholesterol levels is impaired cognitive performance.

This Harvard article claims those same drugs that increase the risk of dementia may lower your risk of liver cancer, which is not a choice any patient should have to make. There is also evidence to suggest people taking statins have twice the risk of being diagnosed with diabetes than those who do not and taking the drug for longer than two years triples the risk. One of the scientists from The Ohio State University explained in a press release:

However, damage to the arterial walls can be induced by several factors, including high blood pressure, inflammation, elevated blood sugar and smoking.27 Once damaged, plaque begins to build up as a protective mechanism. The problem arises when the rate of damage and result in clot formation outpace your body’s ability to repair it.

As noted by Harcombe, the notion that there is good and bad cholesterol is also wrong. LDL and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) are not even cholesterol but, rather, carriers and transporters of cholesterol, triglycerides (fat), phospholipids and proteins. “LDL would more accurately be called the carrier of fresh cholesterol and HDL would more accurately be called the carrier of recycled cholesterol,” she says. – Mercola

This means that everything presented about cholesterol and heart disease over the past few decades has been wrong. And that statins are not only a waste of money but have hurt people more than they have helped.

Area #3: ADHD

The medical establishment has medicalized low-achieving children and those who are somewhat to very disruptive with ADHD, and the treatment is Ritalin or a type of amphetamine. As the profit incentives have shown the way, there has been an enormous increase in the diagnosis of ADHD.

Area #4: Vaccines

The medical establishment has done an excellent job in garnering all of the benefits of better sanitation in reducing infectious diseases to vaccines. The reality is that vaccines don’t work nearly as well as pharmaceutical companies say. The immune system is so complex that it is impossible to understand what vaccines do in the body entirely. Vaccines have significant adverse reactions, which the medical establishment denies. Any request for more transparency into vaccines is met with the person making this request pilloried and canceled as an anti-vaxxer.

This video is very well done. However, its claims around vaccines are inaccurate. If it had been accurate, it is likely the video would have been blocked by YouTube. For example, the claims around vaccines being responsible for the significant decline in infectious diseases is false. The vast majority of the decline came around due to better sanitation, better nutrition, and overall living standards. 

This company receives funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which supports things that allow them to maximize their investments in vaccine companies.

See the following graphics.

Source: Are Vaccines Safe?

Observe that these diseases, stated as eliminated by vaccines, began their decline long before vaccines were given. Typhoid Fever and Scarlet Fever never had a vaccine. Polio, which is presented as the great vaccine, was introduced long after Polio was mainly beaten, and the vaccine re-introduced the disease. 

This is also explained in the following graphic, but it has more information about when vaccines were introduced.

The medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies are constantly lying. Pharmaceutical companies repeatedly submit rigged “double-blinded clinician trials” to the FDA, which are entirely fraudulent as with the covid vaccines, which I cover in the article How Effective Are the Covid Vaccines?

Lying about the history of vaccines is how the medical establishment markets its newer vaccines, telling you not to worry about it that all vaccines are safe.

Here is the vaccine schedule the CDC wants children to take. Do they want people analyzing each vaccine for its cost-benefit? Of course not. Look at the success of the Polio vaccine! Accept the false history of the vaccine presented by the medical establishment. After all, who wouldn’t want Pfizer or Merck as their medical historians? 

To the Medical Establishment, Critical Thinking on Vaccines = “Anti Vaxxer”

Anyone who performs research into the history of vaccines and questions vaccines, and demands a cost-benefit analysis is referred to by the medical establishment as an “anti-vaxxer.” Anyone who accepts everything the pharmaceutical companies say uncritically is referred to as “following the science.” Pharmaceutical companies and their media minions have proposed that anyone who opposes vaccine mandates is also an anti-vaxxer.

The government funds the CDC. However, the CDC works for the government the same way the Federal Reserve works for the government, and it doesn’t. As the Fed works for the banks, the CDC does not work for the government; but instead works for the pharmaceutical companies. The public is to be lied to satisfy the pharmaceutical companies’ needs.

Other Areas

We cover many other areas where medicine has been wrong at our subscription site.