How Do We Find Out What Other Clients Are Experiencing with SAP?
The Standard Answer to the Question
The common answer to this question is the following:
- Pay the standard IT analysts
- Hire an SAP consulting company.
- Attend ASUG conferences.
The Real Story
Unfortunately, none of these are good ways to find out the real story.
- From IT Analysts: As most of the IT analysts receive large sums of money from SAP, they have to be careful how much truth they tell.
- From SAP Consulting Company: SAP consulting companies exist to bill hours for SAP resources. As such, they are normally pro any implementation they can get. This means they paper over the real experiences that they have exposure to. We have extensive research on this, but the messaging of SAP consulting companies is very close to a duplicate of that offered by SAP itself.
- From ASUG Conferences: ASUG started its life as a user group, but is now a pawn of SAP. They serve as an outlet for SAP marketing. This is covered in a number of articles at Brightwork, but one example of this is ASUG’s Inability to Challenge SAP’s Predictions.
We have a history of challenging SAP, and of being right. This is something you can put to use within your company immediately to begin improving how you manage your IT budget to get more out of it.