Vaccine Cancers: How Many New Cancers Are Caused by the Covid Vaccines?

Executive Summary

  • The covid vaccines have created a lot of business for cancer centers by increasing cancer rates.


It has been firmly established that not only did the covid vaccines not protect covid (as I cover in the article How Effective Were the Covid Vaccines?), but they also have many side effects, including cancer development.

Cancer Centers are Packed?

No one is more thankful for the covid vaccines than the cancer centers. They have more business than ever.

Dr. Angus Dagleish on Covid Vaccine Driven Cancers

In this interview, Dr. Dalgeish is interviewed by Dr. Joseph Campbell.

Dr. Dagleish points out how the covid vaccines degrade the immune system in this interview.

With a degraded immune system, the body becomes much more susceptible to cancer. And it’s not only the covid vaccines. All vaccines lead to immune system degradation, and, likely, the increasing number of vaccines as part of the CDC vaccine schedule is a contributing factor in the great increase in cancer in the developed world. This is one of the reasons Why We Are Antivaxxers.

The Inverse Relationship Between My Knowledge of Vaccine History and My Support for Vaccines

Essentially, unless one makes money from working as a virologist or as part of the virology complex, the more one knows about vaccines, the less one is interested in getting vaccinated. The media and medical establishment like to present the idea that the opposite is the case — that is, the more “ignorant” one is of the facts of vaccination, the more “vaccine hesitant” one is. However, years ago, I had no issue with vaccines and thought that Jenna McCarthy was probably a loon. However, it is through research into vaccines that I became an anti-vaxxer. The best way to describe vaccines is that they are a hypothesis. An unproven hypothesis.

More From Dr. Dalgleish

See this quote from a comment on the article The Covid Vaccine Had No Benefit?

PROFESSOR ANGUS DALGLEISH (ONCOLOGIST): I’m Angus Dalgleish, I’m professor of oncology at St. George’s and a consultant medical oncologist and I have started to notice that several of my patients have melanoma who’ve been stable, stage IV disease, they’ve had very good immunotherapy or other treatments and I’ve been reviewing them from 5 to 20 years, I’ve noticed that I have now over 6, possibly 7, even an 8th yesterday, who’ve clearly relapsed following the booster vaccine.

At first we didn’t put the two together. But one patient said, I felt awful since the vaccine, I’ve just been drained. They describe symptoms of like a long covid, and the next thing we know, 2, 3 weeks, couple of months later, they’ve got clear evidence of relapse.

And these relapses are quite aggressive. They’re not a gentle relapse. They’re relapses that are requiring systemic therapy, as opposed to a little nodule that requires a surgical excision.

This is due to the vaccine boosters degrading the immune system, and the more vaccines a person has, the more degraded their immune system will be — all other things being equal. Vaccines generate revenue from the vaccine but are also a major “business development” for hospitals and MDs, as the vaccines cause future health problems that must be addressed.

The Medical Establishment Asks That You Not Look at the Vaccination Status or Health Outcomes of the Amish

As I cover in the article False Media Fact Checks on the Low Degree of Vaccination and of Autism in the Amish, the Amish have low levels of vaccination and significantly better health outcomes than the rest of the US population. This is why the Amish are detested as a case study group by the medical establishment. The Amish make vaccination look particularly bad and the medical establishment has paid fact checkers like USA Today to say that this has nothing to do with lower vaccination level of the Amish. In the view of many of the leaders of the US medical establishment it would be so much easier if the DHHS forced the Amish to comply with vaccine mandates — so that the vaccine industry could look better. 

The Direct Negative Health Consequences After Being Boosted

The quote from Dr. Dagleish continues.

But it’s not just this. I’m now very much aware in my own circle of many people who are having, they haven’t had melanoma but they’ve never had anything before, but they’ve got lumps and bumps and they’re not feeling well. And two people I’ve interviewed at great length they all put it down to feeling awful after their booster. They were fine with the first two vaccines, or just had their shivers, flu, etcetera, but they’ve described being very tired, very fatigued, wanted to stay in bed, and this has dragged on to the point where they’re going to the doctor and they’ve had blood counts and investigations. And I now know 7 of them. Two of them have leukemias and the others have lymphomas and one of them has a very bad myeloma which he is absolutely sure was instigated by the booster as he developed dreadful symptoms.

He is sure the booster instigated it!

So really I want to bring to everybody’s attention that I think this does not look like a coincidence to me and we need to join forces and see if this is a real effect, and if it is, we must stop all the boosters immediately.

Direct Evidence of the Fast Development of Cancer From the Moderna Covid Vaccine

Notice the following quote from the article Development of High-Grade Sarcoma After Second Dose of Moderna Vaccine.

A 73-year-old female with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and renal angiomyolipoma status post resection in 2019 presented with worsening right upper arm swelling for the past two weeks. She noticed the initial swelling two to four days after receiving her second dose of the Moderna vaccine within 1 cm from the prior injection site. This was initially attributed to phlebitis. She reported mild, non-radiating pain on palpation.

Vitals were unremarkable and the patient was afebrile. Physical examination was remarkable for a 6 cm, circular, mobile, soft mass present in the right upper arm without fluctuance, erythema, or warmth. She had no neurological deficits and radial pulses were present.

Based on an extensive search, we describe the first case of rapidly progressive, high-grade undifferentiated sarcoma that seems to have a strong association with the Moderna vaccination. Although the literature well documents the efficacy of the vaccines in immunocompromised patients such as those with malignancy, there are currently no studies reporting any association between the development of sarcoma or worsening of malignancy and the COVID-19 vaccinations as a potential cause.

And likely, there will not be studies — but that does not mean there will not be cases.

It is well established that other vaccines may lead to the formation of subcutaneous nodules, particularly in children after the administration of the pertussis vaccine. A review of the literature shows a recent case report that describes the development of a soft tissue mass shortly after the administration of a COVID-19 vaccine. A soft tissue growth with malignant characteristics was found to be developed shortly after administration of the COVID-19 Moderna vaccine with MRI. Pathological analysis subsequently demonstrated non-necrotizing granulomatous inflammation without evidence of neoplasia. This case reported the development of a localized granulomatous reaction that presented as a mass following the COVID-19 Moderna booster vaccine that resolved spontaneously without any medical intervention.

This is, however, only a small minority of the cancers caused by the covid vaccines.

The Establishment Media Say No to Covid Vaccine Cancers

USA Today is a major medical establishment shill. Naturally, they combat “misinformation,” defined as anything that the medical establishment does not want the public to think.

Here, you can see a standard USA Today “fact checking” article where they say that there is nothing to the evidence that is piling up that shows covid vaccines cause cancer.

mRNA vaccines are not being used to vaccinate patients with cancers — or if they are, it is not working. This is because, as I cover in the article, Are Cancer Vaccines an Effective Treatment for Cancer? viruses do not cause cancers.

USA Today does not disclose its financial bias — where it receives large sums of money from the medical establishment to present its views as uncontested fact. Gannett owns USA Today, and hundreds of newspapers in the US and UK, and it turns out that low-quality content is normal for the operation. It is curious that USA Today, which I remember as only offering sports scores and a sort of “McPaper” shoved under my door at hotels, now considers itself an authority on medical topics.

Brave Search on the Topic

Brave Search was supposed to be a non-establishment controlled search engine; however, look at their AI synopsis of the relationship between covid vaccines causing cancer. With such grand ambitions to be different and to fight the establishment and internet censorship, the Brave organization has sold out.

This type of AI-generated synopsis is increasingly what search engines and AI like ChatGPT are doing. They present a corporate highly establishment consensus on a topic and present it as fact.

Plagiarism is OK — But Only If It’s Done by Big Tech?

Notice there is no referencing to this synopsis — the “experts” are not named, so the statements in the synopsis cannot be verified. A major part of what AI does is allow the search engines and ChatGPT to present themselves as an authority on subjects for which they have no human experts. The originators of the content don’t even get credited with a reference.

Amazingly, this “AI plagiarism sausage machine” is considered a huge step forward for humanity and understanding. 

Really? Because it looks like a way for the mass production of Orwellian corporate-controlled content — that encourages the reader to skip reading the sources. Do you want Google, Brave, or Microsoft (through Bing) — which are all controlled by tech billionaires creating “TV dinner” type AI content for you? I know I do not. They consider AI to offer an unlimited opportunity to plagiarize the work of authors and to push them down in the search results. The search engine AI will present this information increasingly as if it was created by and owned by Googe and the other search engines.

Also, can I do this with my articles? I could leave out all references and links and say I got my information from “experts.” Well, yes, that would simplify things a great deal. Which experts you might ask? Don’t worry about it!


My original reason for taking Ivermectin was to fight the effects of the spike proteins of the covid vaccines. However, it turns out that taking Ivermectin was also important in protecting everyone from developing cancer due to the covid vaccines.

A Government and Medical Establishment Conspiracy To Hide the Causation of Covid Vaccines and Cancer From You

  • As they lied about the safety and effectiveness of covid vaccines, these entities are lying against the long-term cancer rise that is caused by the vaccines. They would look like corrupt pawns if this became more commonly known. Remember, many governments either promoted or instituted vaccine mandates as a condition of employment or school attendance, which means they were mandating cancer-causing vaccines to the public. This is devastating to their credibility — and so they must suppress this reality. 
  • This is an example of government health entities being entirely controlled by pharmaceutical companies. They place the financial health and well-being of these companies above the actual health and well-being of the public.
  • The governments have databases that show them what is happening and its promotion of cancer, but they are doing everything in their power to suppress this information.