What WOKE Liberals Won’t Admit is That They Do Not Want to Live Around Blacks
Executive Summary
- Liberal WOKE whites like to state that they would never tolerate racism.
- However, why do white’s behavior look like they don’t want to live or be around blacks?
Liberals state that they believe in diversity. However, there is a large difference between what they say and what they do. Let us review whites’ behavior as a whole, which also includes large numbers of liberal whites.
The Reality of White Behavior
How does this match with what whites, even whites, say they want? In the past, if you were white, you could say that you prefer to live around whites. However, now, whites cannot say this. Therefore, whites no longer say this — however, there is nothing to stop them from behaving this way.
This shows not imposed but self-selected segregation.
What About Living Around Other Races?
It turns out it is not only blacks. Whites, who frequently say how they are disgusted by racism, consistently choose to live in white neighborhoods when they can.
What Does the Euphamism “Good Schools” Mean?
The code term is to move to a place with “good schools.” Good schools are necessary because one is not allowed to say that they want to live around whites.
The research on White flight has shown a common recurring pattern. When minorities first move into a White neighborhood, the reaction among Whites is only mildly negative at first, but after diversity rises above a certain tipping point — believed to be around 25 percent for Latinos — White flight begins in earnest.
In general, the Whites who move first are the most ethnocentric and/or most likely to be adversely affected (often families with children). Their departure causes the neighborhood to become less White, which in turn causes more Whites to leave (and others to avoid moving in).
This process produces a cascading effect that usually transforms the neighborhood within a few years.
After this process has played out, such neighborhoods will often retain a small White population, but it is usually one that is more tolerant of diversity or more able to protect itself through higher housing prices, gated communities, and private schools.
This is an excellent point. The small white population that is left over — which probably has some overriding reason to be there, deploys defensive tactics against blacks — which are primarily segregation.
The pattern is similar for Whites in gentrifying urban neighborhoods. In each case, the demographic profile of such Whites is fairly consistent — they tend to be disproportionately liberal, single, and childless. Depending on the neighborhood, they often have higher incomes and are more likely to have a college degree. These are the Whites who are responsible for the seemingly paradoxical result of Whites living in more diverse neighborhoods being more liberal. – UNZ
Having an area turn black is just about the worst thing that can happen.
Comments on What Happens As Neighborhoods Become Black
Comment #1: Do Blacks Destroy Neighborhoods?
Do blacks really destroy neighborhoods?
One of my American friends was telling me about how when black people come to a neighborhood and they destroy it and make it horrible for whites. Is this true and if so how do they destroy them? - Yahoo
Comment #2: What Happened to South Africa?
I'm 56 and have seen Blacks utterly destroy two relatively safe, decent and prosperous neighborhoods in which I used to reside.
After two decades of independence in South Africa, their infrastructure is crumbling and it is now the rape capital of the world. Blacks commit the most crime in London. Obviously, Blacks, in the aggregate, can only survive successfully as hunter/gatherers. That lifestyle served them well for hundreds of thousands of years. - Yahoo
Comment #3: Being Chased Around the Country?
Every time I try to move away from them into good neighborhoods, its like they follow me. When they move in, the white, Asian, and Hispanic people start to move out and the area begins to become a ghetto black neighborhood. I was in my neighborhood for 6 years living peacefully until these black idiots started to move in. Then I started dealing with these problems. - Yahoo
Comment #4: Wrecking Balls of Civilization?
What rubbish. I was born in Chicago, raised in Jersey, lived in NYC, LA, Tampa and now Norfolk. I have never seen a Black neighborhood that was not in total chaos and all encompassing destruction. Historical Morristown, NJ is such a beautiful immaculate place. Then they brought Negroes in from Newark believing all they needed was a change in environment. The Negroes simply brought Newark with them. Drugs, prostitution, rape, robbery, gang violence, murder etc. increased 50 fold. Negroes are the wrecking balls of civilization and everything they touch turns to ****. - Yahoo
Comment #5: Stopping Black Migration to Your Area?
Yes, as a Landlord I have personally seen well kept White neighborhoods turn into boarded up houses within 10 years after the first black moves in. No one including Blacks want to have a black neighbor.
And while this is 100% true when other races don't want a black neighbor, it's called racism -- however, blacks think it is not racism if they don't want black neighbors.
Unfortunately, Blacks do not see themselves as part of the problem. However, it is Blacks that cause the downward spiral of a neighborhood.
And yes, Whites will Always flee when they notice their neighbor is black. As a landlord I notice blacks hate grass and yardwork. The only solution is to stop blacks from coming into the vicinity. America has to find a way to stop Blacks from entering our neighborhoods. - Yahoo
This was the reason for redlining.
Comment #6: Time to Move Out When Blacks Move In?
We once had concrete blocks thrown through our windows for calling the police on a black neighbor’s evening party, which became a disturbance once they started lighting explosives and playing loud rap. After that incident, we purchased firearms. My good friends—who are white, and who purchased the house we sold to move here, also in this neighborhood about a half mile away—recently had their back door kicked in and $7,000 worth of electronics and property stolen while they were at work. I can think of eight other burglaries just last year.
While the good whites are out working for a living, the blacks are looting their homes. My friends have a “For Sale” sign in their yard now. I hope that Brian J. finds the resources to move to a better place. I am sending my support his way. - VFR
Where did all of these views come from?
Are all of these experiences entirely delusional and based on deep-seated racism? There are many events described in these comments. Is the PC view that none of these things happened? If black neighborhoods are sustainable, why do blacks continually seek to move out of them, and why is their number one destination in white cities?
The Dominance of Blacks in the Violence Statistics in the US
Why Other Races Flee Black Areas
Whites and other races flee from blacks for very good reasons. In the US blacks are the number one racial group that victimizes other racial groups with violent crime. Black culture is harmful to both blacks and anyone else who is around blacks. Blacks themselves know this. However, they don't usually admit it to other races and prefer to blame everything else but themselves. For blacks to effectively race scam -- they have to hold the position that blacks behave the same and deserve the same outcomes as other races.
All Races Are the Same?
This is a part of the root of the problem. This proposal that all races are the same had no evidence to support it, yet it was asserted because it was politically correct. It was an appealing lie to believe because it "felt good."
Once this idea took hold, it now became a platform to say that all races should have the same things, and this has primarily been interpreted as non-whites invading white spaces and countries and taking their society from them.
Blacks want white outcomes, but because they can't produce white outcomes on their own, they have to invade white societies to obtain them, and their tool is not producing these things themselves but by taking them through living in white-originated societies.
The Repeating Pattern Seen Everywhere Blacks Exist
When blacks move into a neighborhood, that area becomes undesirable. Shoplifting increases, violence increases, and sexual assault increases. This leads to stores closing and a downward spiral for that area. The higher the percentage of the population that is black, the more predominant this and many other negative behaviors become as they begin to behave in conformance with black culture and expectations rather than conforming.
What Would Happen if the US Had No Blacks?
Blacks are a massive civilization threat to any country, society, or city that accepts them. All countries, except white countries, have figured out not to have blacks live in their borders.
Here is some food for thought: “What if all the Blacks suddenly left America, which is 13.3% of the total U.S. population?” and these statistics would improve.
- Amount of people in poverty would drop - 34%
- The prison population would go down - - 37%
- Welfare recipients would go down by - - - 42%
- Gang members would go down by - - - - - 53%
- Chlamydia cases would go down by - - - - - 54%
- Homelessness would go down - - - - - - - - 57%
- Syphilis would go down - - - - - - - - - - - - 58%
- AIDs & HIV would go down - - - - - - - - - - 65%
- Gonorrhea would go down - - - - - - - - - - 69%
- Average ACT scores would go up - - - - - - 5.5 points
- Average IQ would go up - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.4 points, (this is how much only 13% of the population in drags down IQ scores) This would put the U.S. 3rd in the world tied with Japan
- Average SAT scores would go up almost - - - 100 points
- The average income for Americans would go up over $20,000 a year
Blacks are major users of subsidies from the rest of the taxpaying population. This burden (some of which used to help blacks reproduce more blacks) would be lifted from the rest of the population
The effect on cities would be profound. All of the predominantly black cities from Detroit to East St Louis to Baltimore to Atlantic City, Wilmington Deleware -- every city would experience an immediate and radical improvement.
Blacks as a Civilizational Threat
Blacks are a civilizational threat to any area, any city, and they seek to infiltrate white cities and countries because they have no ability to create functional societies, as I cover in the article What Happens When Blacks Take Over Management of Cities and Countries from Whites? Therefore, blacks need to infiltrate a society or city that is already built up by another group -- with the inevitable outcome that the area is ruined when a sufficient number of blacks are present.
Liberal whites are lying about their interest in diversity.
That is one clear observation from the video.
However, in LA, which has many different racial groups, the areas are still very segregated. There are areas of LA where people primarily speak Chinese. If we look at the IT sector, it has become highly segregated, as Indians have discriminated against all other groups to promote only jobs for Indians. The concept of the melting pot does not work, an only works if the groups are very close to each other in their genetics and background.
This lack of integration is obviously how people prefer to live. It is time to accept this reality and time to realize that blacks are highly destructive to any society and that blacks should be excluded from white areas and white countries as they do not deserve to live there.