Executive Summary

  • SAP and its consulting partners have shared highly inaccurate information about Fiori.
  • How to get independent information on the topic of Fiori.


Thanks for taking the quiz. We are virtually the only research entity that operates in the enterprise software space that takes no money from vendors or consulting firms. In this article, we describe the problem with the information available about HANA.

Fiori Information Accuracy

SAP has made enormously inaccurate claims around Fiori. This has become increasingly apparent as Fiori has been implemented at more companies. And this information is not contradicted. This is because just about every single entity in the SAP space, and that provides information about SAP is connected to SAP through a financial relationship.

  • Inaccurate information about Fiori means poor decision making around S/4HANA and related applications that use Fiori and a ton of waste.
  • With our research focus and lack of concern for any relationship with SAP, we can tell the truth around Fiori.

We accumulate information from projects globally, and unlike a consulting company, we are not trying to promote Fiori so we can sell consulting services.

The Problem: SAP’s Changed Strategy on Fiori

SAP has changed its strategy on Fiori, from one of charging for the SAP Fiori Apps to making Fiori as part of a packaged deal — that is packaged with HANA.

This is what is known as a Faustian bargain. It does not allow the SAP Fiori Apps to succeed on its own merits, but instead unnecessarily ties Fiori to HANA. However, there is no technical reason for this to be the case. SAP has put a significant amount of effort into Fiori. Still, Fiori has an abysmal future if SAP continues to limit the use of Fiori apps to customers that are running HANA.

Overall, SAP is presenting customers with a risky product in Fiori. I cover the topic of enterprise software risk in great detail in the book Rethinking Enterprise Software Risk: Controlling the Main Risk Factors on IT Projects, and the fact that a large software vendor like SAP offers Fiori does not change these risks.

Fiori is much more involved than is commonly presented. SAP and their surrogates want to make the use of Fiori sound as painless as possible. Still, because Fiori is not technically baked and because it is used to drive customers to HANA, it is often presented under pretenses.
