What is the Reality of Non Stimulant ADHD Medication?
Executive Summary
- ADHD diagnoses continue to rise.
- What tends to be undiscussed regarding the medical establishment of the implications of Non Stimulant ADHD Medication.

If you search for the term Non Stimulant ADHD Medication, in most cases, you will be taken by Google to some of the biggest medical information websites. The problem is that all of these websites have undisclosed financial conflicts with pharmaceuticals that make Non Stimulant ADHD Medication. Reading these websites will promote ADHD medication, and following their advice will, in many cases, result in being prescribed ADHD medication.
We have no financial conflicts or other connections to drug companies or medical establishments. We will use our independence to review some of the information from these websites.
About ADHD Medications
The medications available break into two basic classifications: stimulants, which are either amphetamines or similar drugs like methylphenidate or antidepressants.
ADHD Drug Category #1: Simulants
The problems come in when scientific claims are made about how many of these drugs work by pharmaceutical companies. Amphetamine and amphetamine-type drugs cause not only those with attention issues to concentrate more, but they will also cause any person to concentrate more and increase their motivation. Using the effect of these drugs, we would increase (in the short term at least) the performance of everyone by placing them on amphetamines.
However, amphetamines or similar types of drugs can be considered blunt instruments, which have short- and long-term side effects and never actually address the ADD but provide short-term concentration increases while the drug is taken.