What is the Story of Panacure Cancer Treatment?

Executive Summary

  • Panacure was made popular through its use by Joe Tippins in his cancer protocol versus small cell lung cancer.

Introduction: Panacure for Cancer

Panacure is the version of the drug Fenbendazole that is marketed to dog owners that was repurposed by Joe Tippins to successfully defeat small cell lung cancer. This story was responded to with a significant amount of attention, however drugs like this, of which Ivermectin is another example, have a history of being effective against cancer.


Panacur is what Joe Tippins stated that he took to defeat his cancer. Panacur is the correct spelling; however, for some reason, it is more often spelled as Panacure – so we have referred to it as that in this article. 

The description on the cover is amusing as it says “Dewormer for dogs only.” There is no such thing as a dewormer that is only for dogs. Panacure will work equally well for livestock or for humans. However, as Panacure is used for a short period of time, unlike when Fenbendazole is used for cancer, Panacure is sold in very small quantities. You can see that this package is for a 40-pound dog. That is relevant as Fenbendazole is weight dependent — as you can see in the Brightwork Fenbendazole Dosage Guide.

Panacure for Cancer in Dogs or Panacure for Cancer in Humans

Panacure is used for cancer in dogs and can be used for cancer in humans (that is, panacure for cancer in dogs or panacure for cancer in humans); however, buying Panacure is not a cost-effective way to buy Fenbendazole.

How Vets Use Fenbendazole for Dogs

This vet, Dr. Jones, recommends using Panacure for cancer. 

If a vet uses Panacure for cancer, it is considered not very noteworthy; however, when it comes to using Panacure for cancer or Fenbendazole overall, then it gets very political because this undermines the business models of cancer centers. 

Below I cover what I think are important points brought up by Dr. Jones.

Important Point #1: Conventional Treatments Are Not Particularly Effective

At the 3:20 mark in the video, Dr. Jones states that the conventional treatments only provide around 10 months of life extension.

I have reviewed many of the studies and there are studies that show that much life extension, but there are also those that show much less than this. I cover this for chemotherapy at the article Is Chemotherapy Treatment Worth its Expected Life Extension? and in the article Why Most Chemotherapy Patients Overestimate The Average Life Extension of Chemotherapy.

I think Dr. Jones is very well-meaning and honest. His videos are always of high quality and have good accuracy. However, here there is one thing that is left out in what he is saying — which is easy to do in a video or when speaking extemporaneously. That is, conventional cancer treatments are not free in the monetary sense or overall health sense. That is, to go through any conventional cancer treatment, the patient must be willing to give up other aspects of their health.

Therefore, as the quality of life declines on conventional cancer treatment, this has to be included in the “math” of valuing any life extension that is provided by that treatment.

Important Point #2: Joe Tippins Used a Low Does of Panacure

At the 3:45 mark in the video, Dr. Jones states that Joe Tippins used a relatively low dose of Panacure or Fenbendazole daily, at 222 MG.

We agree that this is a low dose, and our calculator produces a higher dose for a person for Joe Tippins’s weight. The issue with Fenbendazole is that it is fat soluble and suffers from low uptake in the intestine, which it must be taken with a fatty meal.

Important Point #3: Joe Tippins Has Stayed on His Panacure Cancer Protocol

At the 3:56 mark in the video, Dr. Jones states that even after being declared cancer-free, Joe Tippins had stayed on the same Panacure cancer dosage that he took when he was actively fighting cancer. This is something that I have addressed in all of the treatment calculators: after a person has cancer, they need to be more careful about their health and do things like our List of Recommended Items to Help Prevent and Fight Cancer.

The reason is that a person who develops cancer has a cancerous internal environment in their body unless they change that environment with a combination of lifestyle and using drugs like Fenbendazole that happen to be effective against cancer cells.


Panacure cancer treatment, which is just Fenbendazole cancer treatment, is supported by many studies. However, due to costs, it is not recommended for humans to use Panacure.

Our Recommended Source of Supply

Our approved source for Febendazole and Mebendazole is Summit Products. This source makes Ivermectin much easier to obtain, and Summit Products developed that subsite only to sell the Ivermectin that passed our bioequivalence testing. (which you can read about here)