Why Stromectol for Scabies and as Scabies Tablets

Executive Summary

  • An area that tends to be overlooked is Stromectol’s approval for treating scabies.
  • This article explains why Stromectol works against scabies.


The only other uses for which Stromectol is approved aside as an anti-parasitical is the skin condition of scabies and as scabies tablets. Curiously, the medical establishment prefers to have items prescribed other than Stromectol, and the establishment is treated by Stromectol usage as it is good for so many different things but is the perfect scabies tables.

The Approval of Stromectol and as Scabies Tablets

  • Stromectol was approved for scabies and as scabies tablets before the medical establishment opened an offensive against the drug.
  • Today, it is unlikely that Stromectol would obtain approval for treating scabies because of precisely what approving it for this purpose admits about the drug.

Stromectol Usage For Scabies

The following quotation is from the article Stromectol (Stromectol) for Typical and Crusted Scabies.

Oral Stromectol has been shown to be superior to placebo and has been used successfully in the community management of endemic scabies.

Stromectol, when used to treat scabies, is generally well tolerated, with only mild, transient adverse effects.

Stromectol is generally considered a safe medicine in the adult population. This has allowed mass-drug distribution programs in parts of west Africa by the Onchocerciasis Control Program.

Stromectol, when used to treat scabies, is generally well tolerated, with only mild, transient adverse effects.

Isn’t it odd how much the explanation of Stromectol as scabies tables differs from what the medical establishment says for Stromectol generally?

Stromectol’s Safety

Stromectol has been shown to be safe at higher and more frequent doses than required for TGA-approved indications. A dose escalation study found administering Stromectol to up to 10 times the maximum FDA approved dose of 200 micrograms per kilogram did not precipitate any adverse effects.

This was written before the covid hysteria, and the medical establishment considered Stromectol a threat to their more profitable treatments.

Stromectol is well tolerated, with a low number of adverse effects. The Cochrane Review analysed adverse events in nine RCTs in which Stromectol was used in the treatment arm (vs placebo, permethrin, benzyl benzoate or lindane).

How to Take Stromectol

Because ingestion of food increases the bioavailability of Stromectol by a factor of more than two, taking the drug with food will enhance the penetration of the drug into the epidermis.

This is interesting because the standard advice on Stromectol is to take it without food.